Is your Wife Faithful to you or Not?

Table of Contents

 In the Light of Astrology

Definition of Woman!

38. Woman means: “Woman is a positive force of nature, while man is a negative force of nature.” When both the partners get together the process of creation starts on earth.
In all species two forces work: a positive force and a negative force for the purpose of generation. Nothing is single on earth except human tongue nose and heart.
Save human being all other creatures are senseless and have no power of understanding the power of words. There is no negativity in other creation.

Why Man is called a Superior Being?

Most of the people do not know why human being is called a super human being on earth. On the ground of intelligence, no, on the ground of wisdom, no, on the ground of reason, no…think!
Man is called a super human being on the ground of having the power of understanding the meaning of words. Other creatures may understand teachings but cannot understand words meaning written of spoken.
As a tailor makes men just like woman makes homes. Without woman there is no charm on earth and in man’s life. Sometimes women prove gift of God but sometimes women prove a curse for you on earth.
When women prove curse for you means that they are dishonest to you and when they prove gift means that they are honest to you at home and out of home.
Is your Wife Faithful to you or Not?
Is your Wife Faithful to you or Not?

Astrological Parameter of Honest and Dishonest Women

  1. First of all check the Ascendant, the Moon and the planets to whom the Moon gets separation, will represent husband.
  2. The seventh house, the Lord of the seventh house and the to whom the Moon makes aspects with other planets will represent wife.
  3. If the Moon, the Lord of the Lord of the seventh house joins the Lord of the first house by reception of conjunction means the woman is honest and faithful to you.
  4. If the Lord of the seventh joins any other planet after the separating from the Lord of the Ascendant means that your wife loves his friend beside you.
  5. If the Lord of the seventh house or the Moon or both get separation from other planets but the Lord of the Ascendant does not separate less than three degrees means your wife loves his friend but now she has left him.
  6. If the Lord of the seventh is with the North Nodes without in conjunction with other planets means that your wife is faithful to you.
  7. If the Lord of the seventh joins with Mars and North Nodes is also there means that your wife has still he r friend to whom she loves still.
  8. If Mars is with Lord of the seventh…
  9. Or if Mars is with the Moon
  10. Or both in one sign makes conjunction..
  11. Or makes conjunction with the South Nodes… means that your wife loves someone else that lives near her house.
  12. If the conjunction is of one degree between the two planets means one of the family members loves your wife or lives near your house.
  13. If the Moon or the Lord of the seventh house gets separation from the Mars or Mars gets separation from the Moon or from the Lord of the seventh house means that the your wife had a love before marriage now she has left him after marriage.
  14. If Mars is the Lord of the seventh and the Moon is the Lord of the seventh in Aries of Scorpio and Mars makes aspects with the Moon or with the Lord of the seventh means that she loved a friend but now she has left him after marriage.
  15. If the Lord of the seventh or the Moon joins Mercury means that your wife loves an intelligent man.
  16. If the Lord of the seventh house joins Venus with aspects or without aspect and without reception means that your wife does not care for you.
  17. If the Lord of the seventh or the Moon conjuncts with Saturn means that your wife love an old man.
  18. If the Lord of the seventh joins with the Sun means that your wife loves a great man.
  19. If the Lord of the Ascendant joins to the Lord of the seventh in any of the dignities of the Lord of the seventh, tenth and eleventh means you can marry to the woman you love and you will get success in his mission.
  20. If the Lord of the seventh and the Lord of the Ascendant makes aspects trine or sextile out of the Ascendant and eleventh house, ninth and seventh house, seventh and fifth house with or without reception. You will get married to whom you love.
  21. A square aspect between the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the first seventh, with reception of no reception, means that you will get married after some efforts.
  22. If th Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the seventh house do not make any aspect but other planets as Jupiter or Venus transfers there to each other means that you will get your love after some toil by the help of a third man will signify the planet that transfers its light.
Is your Wife Faithful to you or Not?
Is your Wife Faithful to you or Not?
These are golden rules that I have written straightforwardly in the article that the astrologer will apply these rules in his practice will find its results the best and accurate.
It is very important for the astrologer to think before say anything about someone’s wife whether she is faithful to him or not. Your mistake may ruin other’s house.
First of all increase your astrology knowledge from different sources and after this think about your acquired knowledge then apply it for the clients.
 Thinking make men intelligent as I have seen in my life. Good books are available at internet of different websites. I name some of them: Read William Lilly’s Book, Christian Astrology in three volumes. Allan Leo” Book, Linda Goodman’s books, Vedic Astrology…
On the topic of political astrology William Ramsay’s book is the best treatise on politics. I have read it and find useful from all respects.
If your knowledge is perfect so you may give the best results to your clients in practical field.
Marriage is a sacred union of two souls but today’s people have made it a joy to take enjoy in all countries due to this, family traditions and family circle have broken all over the world.
First of all check the seventh house that represents wife in the chart. The chart may be horary or natal, in both the charts the same formula is applied as I have written above.
Do not make haste in judging, check carefully the aspects of Venus with other planets. Whether the aspects are separating or applying. Check the Mercury aspects with Venus that exposes the wife’s disloyalty to her husband.
The applying aspects of the Moon with other planets chalk out the future plans of wife’s with other lover. What type of the lover is will the nature of planet and his profession will tell the sign in which the planet is making its aspects.
To check wife’s hidden cunning so this purpose, check the Antiscia of Plato.
Antiscia Checking Formula
To check the Antiscia of Plato, find the degrees of Plato and minus the degrees of Plato from the thirty degrees. For example
                        Plato in Taurus    15 Deg   27 Min
                                                    Degree         29 Deg   15 Min   Minus
                                                                14 Deg     12 Min
It is the Antiscia of Plato that falls in Leo. From here check 14 deg and 12 min which the planet that is making aspects with the Antiscia of Plato. It will tell the secret plan of your disloyal wife.
  1. The Antiscia of Gemini falls in Cancer
Cancer Shadow falls in Gemini
  1. The Antiscia of Scorpio falls in Aquarius
Aquarius shade falls in Scorpio
  1. The cloud of Libra falls in Pisces
The shape of Pisces falls in Libra
  1. The dark light of Virgo falls in Aries
The auraof Aries falls in Virgo
  1. The Antiscia of Taurus falls in Leo
The Antiscia of Taurus falls in Virgo
  1. The Antiscia of Sagittarius falls in Capricorn
The Antiscia of Capricorn falls in Sagittarius
By JH Sayyar:Professional Astrologer

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