Astrology and Politics!

13. Astrology is as old as the universe is itself. The last product of the universe is man. Astrology is the super machinery that controls the whole universe system through it power rays.
Astrology is the study of the planetary positions at someone’s birth with the help of date of birth and birth time. If you want to study in detail how astrology represents our actions and reactions in practical life. Read my article you will wonder.
Astrology and politics both walk side by side since man’s creation still even in modern age. The first politician was Satan who deceived Eve in Eden Garden and Eve deceived Adam thus both were expelled from the Eden Garden.
There are two main kinds of astrology; Political Astrology and Medical Astrology. Keep in mind, astrology exposes trends through birth chart, not predicts your fate and luck or fortune as most of the peoples think all over the world.
Astrology is not a belief as the whole world think. Astrology is a fact, concrete reality, a royal art and the control panel of the universe.
Birth chart tell you what type of potential God awarded you at your birth to serve the human. If you follow your birth trends you will earn name, fame and wealth in any branch of life…in politics, in education, in medicine, in science, in computer, in theology…
It is the same process as God has put all potential in a tiny seed of any tree…root, wood, stem, branches, leaves, fruits and flower; but you will have to ding in the earth to get all things. Just like same God has put potential in shape of traits, flourish them and get progress.
astrology and politics
astrology and politics

Astrology and Twelve Political Planets

As there are twelve Ten planets each each represents a special political activity and talent. Let us discuss one by one.

The First Political Planet the Sun

The first house represents the President, the Governor, The Prime Minister, Supreme and Courts. The sum eclipse affects the first house and its activities if the eclipse falls in the first house.

The Second political Planet Mercury

Mercury represents Presses and culture of any society, education, Post Offices, Communication Systems, and political speeches. Beside, Mercury represents labors of any country.

The Third Political Planet the Moon

The Moon represents just political things of any country; agriculture and freedom. Both are controlled by the Moon in the country birth charts.

The Fourth Political Planet Mars

Mars presents Arny of any country and bomb explosions, if Mars makes any aspect with Mars in the country chart exposes the fact that treachery will happen with the person. Bedside, natural disasters will appear in the country surely.

The Fifth Political Planet Jupiter

Jupiter represents Priests, Molvis, Mosques, Churches, Judges, Laws and Banks of any country.

The Sixth Political Planets Venus

The sixth political planet represents literature, cultures and civilizations of any country. Besides, it represents national happiness and victory in wars.

The Seventh Political Planet Uranus

It represents all types of Insurance Companies, the Rich men, all types of Defensive Institutions. If Uranus makes any aspect with Neptune means the country system is very strong, powerful in Electric and Nuclear field.

The Eighth Political Planet Saturn

Saturn represents poverty in any country. Its aspects are most important in any country chart to see the fact about richness and poverty.

The Ninth Political Planet Neptune

Neptune represents all types of National Hospitals and Navy. If it is inflicted with any killer planet Saturn or Mars means, more crimes in the country, allegations on others are more also, wine is more there to sell and drink. Beside, it represents chemical more in the country.

The Tenth Political Planet Pluto

Pluto represents in any country coal mines, research works are more in the country. If it is inflicted means underground activities are more in the country. Hidden plans are made here against any country.
Astrology and politics is a very interesting topic for me and for everyone if he is an expert astrologer. It exposes all hidden plans of any country. Astrology controls all human activities by their plants’ rays and makes obstructions and support of any one in any special field.

The Twelve Political Houses

All houses are fixed but the planets move sitting in the signs through all houses affecting each house activities and thus we all men affect in this way.

The Firth Political House

The first house represents the whole country nation, national prosperity and health.

The Second Political House

The second political house represents the country economy. It also represents how the economic condition of any country is working well or not.

The Third Political House

The third house represents our education, press, post offices, and radios. Transports and means of communication system…

The Fourth Political House

It represents country land, Housing Schemes, agriculture and all types of opposing parties.

The Fifth political House

It represents national happiness, games, all sources of enjoyments, society and children.

The Sixth Political House

It represents country labors and its financial position, all types of opposing parties, peoples’ health, army and civil service.

The Seventh Political House

It represents any country foreign policies and treaties with other countries good or bad. It is a very important house on the nation and country rest on.

The Eighth Political House

It represents the financial contracts with other countries beside it represent the protection of country peoples..

The Ninth Political House

Ot represents Laws of any country, religion, philosophy of any country and science.

The Tenth Political House

It represents the President and the Prime Minister, an Army Prestige. It is also a very most important house for any country.

The Eleventh Political House

It represents the Parliament of any country, local peoples and local government of any country.

The Twelfth Political House

It represents national hospitals, homes, reformative and defensive works for peoples and country. It also represents secret societies established in the country, the laws and religions that are read in the schools, colleges and universities.
Astrology and politics thus go side by side in practical life but a few adept astrologers know the secret of political astrology and political astrology work in politics.
I have made many horoscopes of different peoples belong to politics in my country and out country were born in between 1950 to 1960 all were good politicians.
When a baby is born God award the baby some traits to serve humanity. It is the same types of traits as in a tiny seed. If you give not the tiny seed proper atmosphere it will not flourish bit dies soon.
Just like the same to improve your birth traits a baby must keep in special atmosphere nut first of all an adept astrologer will tell you about your baby traits checking the birth data.
I have seen many people ruin their career following the current prevailing trends in our societies bu they do not succeed in the mission.
As we see that whenever the signal your phone does not match your change the place to make ok the signal. What does it mean?
It means the signal is present in the air but weak at the place where you are standing. Just like the same when our birth signal be weak change the place.
If your body or your mobile phone or your trends do not match your birth signal means you do not have weak birth signal and will not match.
When Corona disease spread on earth countless peoples fell prey to it Corona but not the whole world’s peoples, why?
If you have weak signal of any disease, whenever the disease will spread, your weak signal will catch the disease and you will fall ill anon.
As a astrologer, I advise the readers to consult astrologers to know your birth traits so that you could follow the right way according your birth traits.
All superior things control all inferior things on earth and in heaven. Make yourself superior on earth and rule the world. Know your birth traits through your birth charts that will guide you towards your goal.
If you want to know what to do in life, think in lone? Angels live In our brain in guise of conceptions and imaginations both are the properties of human soul and intellect drive all in practical life. Human intellect is also the property of our soul but a few know it.
Those who follow birth traits in life get success in life at any cast. Inferior peoples praise for others and superior peoples do something new do not praise others but are praised by others on earth in all countries.
All politicians know how to make superior selves to others to get respect among the peoples. The scientists and positive politicians follow their birth traits since their childhood. The scientists invent new things and the politicians invent new positive policies for the country peoples. Peoples give respect to both of them all over the world.
By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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