Will Partnership be Useful in Future?

Table of Contents

Business Partnership

37. Alliance is an important thing in business for all persons, It is right that everything works better in pair. Partnership is just like marriage. It is the union of two honest minds.

Partnership Child: A Newly Started Business

Partnership works like parents; as mother and father they both bring up their first child carefully. Just like the same two partners work as mother and father to bring their first newly born kid a new business to flourish in future.
Father and mother both work hard for their children honestly. Father leaves home to earn and mother feeds the child at home with the hard earned money of her hubby.
In a successful marriage; wife and husband become serious in performing duties They pay full attention to children.
I give some golden rules for a successful partnership. Those who follow them in business, will get success. https://theastromentor.com/seven-pillars-of-life-and-being-in-the-light-of-astrology/
Will Partnership be Useful in Future?
Will Partnership be Useful in Future?

Golden Rules for Partnership

  1. The Lord of the Ascendant will represent the first partner.
  2. The Lord of the Descendant will represent the second partner.
  3. Check how many planets are in the seventh house or near the cusp of the seventh house.
  4. The Moon will be the partner of both the parties that will show you all about partnership through her aspects.
  5. The tenth house will tell you many many dollars they will spend on the business both the parties.
  6. It will tell you that the partnership will be successful or not.
  7. Check the Lord of the fourth house, planets in it and its aspects with other planets, will tell the end of the partnership or will continue.
  8. If the Lord of the seventh and the Moon are in movable signs as Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn.  They are without reception by house, multiplicity, terms or essential dignity, exaltation. It means that the partnership will fail.
  9. If the commodity in hand is for a long time and the significator in common signs as Gemini,, Virgo, Sagittarius aor Pisces, the commodity will give more profit in future.
  10. If between the significator of the commodity and the significator the first house Lord of the seventh house there is no reception, there will be less profit if exists will be more profit.
  11. The first house Lord is in the common sign and the seventh house Lord is in fixed sign, means the first partner is fearful about the loss.
  12. If Mars and Saturn are killer planets. They make aspects with the Lord of the seventh and the Lord of the first house. It means that the partnership will not be successful in future.
  13. From what house the evil planets: Saturn or Mars make aspect with the lord of the Ascendant or with the Lord of the seventh house will tell you’re the real cause of breaking partnership.
  14. If you find Mars or Saturn in Ascendant means the first partner is false.
  15. If the evil planets Mars or Saturn anyone of them is the seventh house means, the second partner is false.
  16. If an evil planet Mars or Saturn one is in the Ascendant and the other is in the seventh house mean, both are cheating each other in partnership.
  17. If the Moon separates from Jupiter and applies to Venus they will begin well and end well.
  18. If If the Moon separates from Venus and applies to Jupiter they will begin well and end well.
  19. If any one of them faces such condition that he will get no wealth in future.
  20. If the Moon separates from Venus or Jupiter and applies to Mars or Saturn, the end will be in strife in future.
  21. In such condition, both the persons must not make partnership for business.
  22. If the Moon separates from Mars and applies to Saturn, the partnership will fail and its result will in repentance.
  23. If the Moon separates from Saturn and applies to Mars, the partnership will fail and its result will in repentance.
  24. If such types of aspect you see in the chart. It means the matter will go to court. Both will make lawsuits against each other.
  25. In such condition, there must be join partnership for business.
  26. If in a partnership chart, there is a goo planet in the tenth as Jupiter or Mars means that the business will popular and more profit will be in future.
  27. If good planet as Jupiter or Venus is any one of them in the second house the man who asks the question will earn profit.
  28. If good planet as Jupiter or Venus is any one of them in the seventh house the partner will earn profit
  29. If in the second house is Mars or Saturn or South Nodes that the man who asks question will get a little profit and will get debts.
  30. If the Lord of the fourth applies to the Lord of the eleventh by trine or sextile…
  31. Or if any good planets Jupiter or Venus any one of them is in the fourth house…
  32. Or if the Lord of the fourth and the lord of the seventh make mutual reception…
  33. Or if any good planet Jupiter or Venus applies to the Lord of the first house or the Lord of the seventh house means partnership will be successful and both will earn wealth in future.
34, If the Lord of the seventh or the lord of the eighth applies opposition or square with the lord of the Ascendant, the first partner will get loss.
Will Partnership be Useful in Future?
Will Partnership be Useful in Future?
I have discussed thirty four golden rules for partnership for the young astrologers. They must follow these rules in practical life
Study makes men full and practice makes men successful in life and experience confirms it. https://theastromentor.com/what-does-a-birth-chart-tell-you/
All things are on earth and in heaven in pairs to perform work better in life. Single man cannot make better job as studies have shown.
One and one makes eleven, not two. I write below a successful formula of success.
40 percent, hard work, 40 per cent honesty and 20 skill works in a successful partnership.

Important Points for Dealing

I tell my readers some never failing points for partnership…
  • In marriage or in business partnership, if one part’s date of birth is 4, 13, 22, 31 of any moth, and the other part’s date of birth is 9, 18 or 27 of any month. The marriage or partnership will never run.
  • In marriage or in business partnership, if one part’s date of birth is 4, 13, 22, 31 of any moth, and the other part’s date of birth is 8, 17 or 26 of any month. The marriage or partnership will never run.
  • In marriage or in business partnership, if one part’s date of birth is 5, 14, 23, of any moth, and the other part’s date of birth is 6, 15 or 24 of any month. The marriage or partnership will never run.
The myth behind this combination is that these numbers are against each other mentally not physically.
In such Case both parties favor always the wrong side in discussion. Its end appears in enmity and hatred.
We must avoid such combination in life.
I have found these golden rules never failing in marriage or in partnership.
Carefully check the aspects of the Lord of the first house with the Lord of the seventh house.
Its aspects will tell you all mystery behind the partnership. It will break or run in future. Final decision will depends on your small and great studies in astrology.
By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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