What does a Birth Chart Tell You?

12. Astrology is the study of the planetary movements of a baby’s birth chart. Astrology exposes the prevailing trends in the birth chart, from the currents aspects the calculation is made for the future.
Always forceful trends drive the baby to its sides, may be positive or negative it rests on the aspects of the chart. Future is nothing but present activity result appears in the coming days is called our future.
We must keep in mind that Zodiac is a God-made term, not mad-made term. Zodiac is mentioned in all holy books.
When any baby’s birth chart is erected with the help of birth data it tells many things to the astrologer. All things I will discuss one by one in detail.

The Components of a Horoscope

There are twelve houses in a horoscope and twelve signs in a horoscope and in which roam seven old planets; Sum, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter and three modern planets.: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

What 12 Houses Reveal!

The First House

The first house represents man’s life, stature, shape, color and complexion.
In a man’s body it represents head and face.
Horoscope and astrology secret
Horoscope and astrology secret

The Second House

The second house represents a man’s state, fortune, wealth and poverty, all goods, money, profit and loss, in law suit and fight friends and supporters.
In a man’s body it represents neck and the hinder parts of the shoulders.

The Third House

The third house represents brothers, sisters, cousins and relatives, neighbors, inland journeys, small journeys.
In man’s body it represents shoulders, arms, hands and fingers

The Fourth House

The fourth house represents father and father land, tenements, inheritances, tillage, treasures and the end of anything.
In man’s body it represents breast and lungs

The Fifth House

The fifth house represents children, the ambassadors of the state, woman with a child, wine house, plays, and wealth of the father.
In man’s body it represents stomach, liver, heart, sides and back

The Sixth House

The fourth house represents male and female servants, small animals and cattle, profit and loss in small business, sickness and its root cause. Disease curable, hot or the disease is short or long, father’s brothers and sisters.
In man’s body it represents belly, intestines and the  Arse.

The Seventh House

The seventh house represents marriage and marriage partner, business partner, public enemies, the defender in law suits, all types of quarrels in and or with men, the astrologer self, thieves and theft, the doctors, beloved and wives, in war the winner, fugitives and vanished men.
In man’s body it represents Haunches, naval, buttock and ankles.

The Eighth House

The inheritance of the dead men, legal will and legacies, dowry of the wives, in law suits defender friends, kind of death and brain diseases.
In man’s body it rules private parts

The Ninth House

The ninth house represents voyage and long journeys, dreams, visions, foreign countries, learning out of country, relatives of the wife.
In man’s body it rules hips and thighs

The Tenth House

The tenth house represents Kings, princess, Dukes, Rich men, Judge, commander and all types of high authorities. Dignity, honor and professions
In man’s body it rules knees and Joints

The Eleventh House

The eleventh house represents friends and friendship, hope, trust, confidence, praise and dispraise of anyone, fidelity and falseness of friends,
In man’s body it rules legs and ankles

The Twelfth House

The twelfth house represents hidden enemies, witches, great cattle, sorrows, imprisonment, jail, all types of afflictions
In man’s body it rules the feet.

The Twelve Signs

There are twelve signs like twelve houses. The houses are fixed while the signs travel in all twelve houses throughout the year like a watch hand.
The signs move clock wise while the planets move anti clock wise in the zodiac circle.

The First Sign Aries

It is a moveable sign, male, hot, dry and fiery but it is a bestial sign. When it travels in different house it leaves its effect positive and negative house nature wise.
It produces pimples in the face, small pox, ring worms, falling sickness, megrims, tooth ache, head ache and baldness.

The Second Sign Taurus

Taurus is a female fixed earthly sign, cold and dry. It is a domesticated bestial sign.
It produces sore throat, flux in the throat and quinines

The Third Sign Gemini

It is a male sign, airy, hot and moist sign. It is a human sign.  It produces infirmities in the arms, hands and corrupts human blood, wind in the veins and madness.

The Fourth sign Cancer

Cancer is a sold, moist, female and watery sign. It produces all types of Brest diseases. Beside, stomach, peps, weak digestive system, It rules over the human Brest.

The Fifth Sign Leo

Leo is fiery, hot dry and male sign. It is a bestial and barren sign. It produces all types of ribs and side diseases. Pleurisies and back pain. Heart problems and bribing fever are its favorite diseases. Sore eye, pestilence and yellow Jaundice…

The Sixth Sign Virgo

Virgo is an earthly, cold, barren and female sign. It produces, worms, wind in the belly, constipation, stones I kidneys and bladder and cracking of the gut.

The Seventh Sign Libra

Libra is an airy, hot masculine and mist sign. It produces all types of stones in the reins, kidneys, pain in the hunches and loin. It also weakens bladder and corrupts human blood.

The Eighth Sign Scorpio

It is a cold, dry, female and watery sign. Its favorite diseases are stones in the gallbladder, and in the secret parts, vein rupture and fistula, and pile Ares.
It weakens intercellular substance and softens bone and tissues that leads to serious diseases.

The Ninth Sign Sagittarius

It is a fiery, hot, dry and male sign. It rules the thighs and buttock. It produces fistula, and hurt from falling are its favorite diseases. It heats the blood and thus blood pressure rises in the body. It is a bestial sign.

The Tenth House Capricorn

It is an earthly, cold, dry and female sign. It rules knees in human body. All types of joints and bones diseases is due to this. It also produces leprosies, itching and scab.

The Eleventh sign Aquarius

It is an airy, hot, masculine and moist sign. It rules human legs and ankles. It produces all types of weakness in human body parts. It blocks wind in veins and thus disturbs our blood.

The Twelfth Sign Pisces

It is a cold, moist watery and female sign. It rules our feet. All types of the diseases of feet and gouts, lameness and ankle diseases. It also produces stomach ulcer, skin boils.

How Planets and Signs Work

It is a very interesting studies that how signs and planets work in the circle.
Planets live in the signs and signs travel in the house and all the houses are fixed. Signs change its position but the houses are fixed.
It any hot planet sitting in the hot sign passes from a cold and watery sign it also produces upset in the house activities. For example; if Mars its ruler Aries, sitting in the Aries travels in the fourth house Cancer is a cold sign and watery sign.
It dries it water and upset its activities. I will produce all types water related diseases in our body as cold cough, Brest jam with flux, joints jam dry its grease.
On the other side, it also blocks daily activities of the fourth house deal with parents, and parents; land and inheritances…and all activities belong to the fourth house it will disturb.

The Role of Horoscope in Life

Most of the peoples think that making horoscope is futile but no, it plays a very important role our life. It can also warn you about any crises coming in diseases; it can also warn you about business and all types of daily activities.
It can cure your diseases surely if your astrologer is expert in its art.  It can tell you about your doctor who checked you either its finds about disease is correct or incorrect.
It can prescribe for you your disease prescription accurately. I have seen astrology findings become hundred percent correct but your astrologer must be expert in the art of medical astrology.
I have cured thousands of patients of asthma and heart attack in my life with the help of Astro research. I have seen astrology disease finding is wonderful.
Keep in mind, every particle of the universe plus man both guarded by the above means through the planets‘rays. God watches our activities through astrology.
The system is fed in human being and in the whole universe is automatic. It works automatically from diseases to its healing. Peoples know not it well.
As most of the peoples think that Zodiac is a man-made term, no  it is a God-made term written in the all the holy books. In Quran Allah says that Allah has created Buruj; an Arabic word means Zodiac and it decorated with the planets that live in them.
By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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