What can you do for Asthma without an Inhaler?

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By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer
44. Asthma patients can live without an inhaler. It is not a joke but a reality. I have cured hundreds of patients with my Astro- Homeopathy Art.
What can you do for Asthma without an Inhaler?
What can you do for Asthma without an Inhaler?
First of all, you must understand that what asthma is!
Asthma is a chronic lung disease. Its main cause is inflammation. Muscles tighten around the airways. Owing to the hard muscles breathing becomes very difficult.
I do not accept this theory because it bases on the apparent causes of asthma. https://theastromentor.com/how-to-plan-natural-birth-control/
We must know that every organ of the body vibrates at different frequencies. If the waste of the body disturbs the frequency of lungs, it falls prey to illness.
The frequency of lings is 220 Hz. It is the naturally fixed frequency of lungs.
Keep in mind; what we take as foods it leaves its waste in our body. The system that expels the waste from the body becomes out of order. It causes asthma.
When the lugs stop inhaling air that it means the rhythm of lungs is out of order.
Pathological medicines cannot uproot the causes of diseases but can give timely relief. I have cured many chronic asthma patients with homeopathy medicines fully.
I try to understand the system. Lungs inhale air and supply to the blood cells. Through the blood oxygen spreads in cells of the body. If there is no oxygen in the cells, that body part will fall prey to any disease.
There is no disease in the body but just the collection of waste of the foods in any part of the body so we call it a disease.
We give them different names as heart disease, lung disease, brain disease, liver disease…
What can you do for Asthma without an Inhaler?
What can you do for Asthma without an Inhaler?
Homeopathic Asthma Treatment
  • Antiamonium Tatricum 200 x
  • Quebracho Q x
  • . Amonium Casticum 30 X

How to Use

Take 9 drops from each bottle. Pour in lukewarm water. Drink the mixture sip by sip. Take in a day three times daily. https://theastromentor.com/the-main-cause-of-stress-negative-thinki
Your lungs will work properly. Your breath will be all right within fifteen days. After forty days you will say good bye inhaler forever.
Take the prescribed dozes regular without any fear. There is no side effect. First day you will find relief in the lung problem. You will enjoy surely a happy life with your family.

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