By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer
43. How to plan natural birth control is a big problem for men. People use unnatural method to avoid baby birth. They want sex but are fear of children.
Ninety per cent people use contraceptive pills. It is unnatural for human body. Our stomach takes everything as food.
Human stomach has photo copies of natural things. It discards unnatural things when they reach in the liver.
A contraceptive pill is an alien for stomach. Finding it, the stomach flushes it out from the body.
I will tell you natural methods of birth control so that you could plan according to your will and wishes.
I warn people to avoid using contraceptive pills during intercourse. They change hormonal changes in females’ body. Later it causes many types of serious diseases.
Before using birth control pills, we must know about female organs of generation.
Female Organs of Generation
Female organs of generation consist of vagina, uterus or womb; two ovaries and the Fallopian tubes.
Vagina accommodates male organs to receive the male sperms during intercourse.
Uterus is hollow muscular organ in the cavity of pelvis looks like a pear. The uterus has two almond-shaped glands and they are on each side of the ovaries.
Menstruation Period Beginning
At puberty, women begin the function of menstruation, which is a periodical discharge of a bloody fluid from the ovaries. It remains at least for four to five days.
The function of ovaries is to flourish the male eggs. In the fluid of ovaries, the ovum swims
Two days before the menstruation staring, follicles begin to mature in the ovary and remain 12, 13, 13 day between the monthly cycle.
The life of ovum in ovary is three days while the life of sperms in ovaries is five days. In this period, a woman gets pregnancy.
After the menses, from four to fifteen days is called the fertile period. To avoid pregnancy, in this period, Male must not intercourse. It is the best for natural birth control.
Fertile and Sterile Period
For example; if menstruation starts on the first day of any month, her fertile period will start with the 10th to 17th. From 18th to 28th, it will be sterile period.
From the 29th day, a new monthly cycle will start. If a male wants natural birth control, he must intercourse during this period.
The Role of Moon in Pregnancy
There is no doubt that moon controls women’s monthly cycle. Conception takes place when the moon reaches at the Horizon. It is the rising and setting point of the moon.
At the time of birth, the moon will in the first house or in the seventh house.
When the moon transits over the Ascendant it indicates male. When the moon transits over the Descendant it indicates female.
In order to calculate the gestation period of woman in a normal woman: use this formula.
Gestation Period Table
Menses Start Month | Add These Numbers | Month of Chile Birth |
January | 7 | October |
February | 7 | November |
March | 5 | December |
April | 4 | January |
May | 4 | February |
June | 7 | March |
July | 6 | April |
August | 7 | May |
September | 7 | June |
October | 7 | July |
November | 7 | August |
December | 6 | September |