Astrology and Our Future

Table of Contents

Astrology and our future is a popular phrase in the modern world of internet. Countless peoples search for this phrase answer but cannot find with logical reason.
I have also read several articles on this topic but could not find its answer with solid reason. So keeping in mind all blur answers I thought of writing its answer with logical arguments.

What is Astrology?

First of all, the readers must understand what is the real nature of astrology? How does it work? How does it influence human being on earth? How does it control human actions and destiny?
Actually astrology is the study of the planets’ movements in the sky, and for what purpose they move in the sky aimlessly or with a special aim? It is the basic question.
In all heavenly books is written by God that God created all things for a special purpose. What is the special purpose? It is a fact that the Day of Judgment is sure. We all have to face God on that day. Our deeds will be shown what we all had been doing In the past life.

Where is our Deeds’ Record?

It is a fact that four writers record our daily deeds good or bad: the Angels, the Planets, the Earth and God’s Super Computer. All these records are error free.
During the ten lunar months in the mothers’ womb, every planet puts its traits in the child’s mind is a super software in the head. We can say man is hard ware and his mind is software to drive human being through actions and reactions.

What are Planets?

Actually planets are the source of energy to men and Nature that flourishes the whole universe object including men. Planets emit rays that effect our actions and reactions, positive and negative.
We cannot see rays with physical eyes but can feel mentally and spiritually. When different planets energies mix with one another as its result a third types of energy is generated that decides human destiny and human action in daily life.
The planets’ energy receivers are planted in our brain to get the signals from the planets for a specific purpose.

Does Future Exist?

All peoples work to make their future bright knowing not what is future? Listen, my sons, there is no future, all is present, present work reaction is called future in the real sense.
God writes in all heavenly books if your present is good, your will be good. If our present is bad, our future will be bad. We are fools; do not pay attention to present and dream of a good future. Future is a term for present result.
Astrology Exposes Trends, not Future
The readers must understand that astrology debunks inward trends running in our brain in guise of electrons and protons. Every time every cell of human body is moving getting energy from the planets’ rays. Thus men work in daily life.

Fools Predict Future!

Those who predict future are fools, written in the ancient books of astrology. Future is an arbitrary term for present action’s reaction. It is the law of nature, act in present time, find its result the day.
Planets motivate our brain energy to drive our actions through rays. Along with it, Angels live in our brain in guise of ideas and conceptions or imaginations.
Think, the present progress in all walks of life is due to ideas and imaginations. Behind every action of man an unseen idea works, hidden from human eye.
I tell a secret to my readers, imagination is not the result of physical world we see and generate imaginations or ideas. No, imagination is the property of soul; soul is the decree of God means, a little energy of Godly power is infused in human soul is running all human beings.

Human Soul and Astrology

As I have told you that soul is decree of God, every time human soul connects with God to get signals through planets’ rays. In the broader sense, astrology is a term to exposes human trends are active or passive, positive or negative.
Its proof is this that after death life organs can live for a specific time, think, why?
Man is a mixture of three elements: earth, soul and spirit. Our body is made of earth, soul comes from God and spirit comes from the planets. When men die, God takes back his decree but life organs get energy from the planets’ rays for some hours. Life organs running force is soul, the decree of God.

Mind, Reason and Imagination Link

A mind, reason and imagination, all are the properties of human soul. Mind lights up reason, reason flows into imagination, but the mind cannot be brightened unless God wants. God enlightens the mind and after human soul exalts for future predictions or new inventions in all walks of life.

Future Seeds Flourish in Astro Soil

Our future rests on reason, mind and imagination, all three things are checked by erecting the birth horoscope, and these are called birth traits of a newly born baby.
These are checked by checking the aspects in the horoscope, trine, sextile and opposition, exalted planets, planets on fall and detriment…now it is our duty to use the birth traits in practical field in present time and its result will be the future of men.

How to Know your Birth Traits

To know your birth traits, you will have to consult and adept astrologer who will guide you what to do today to get its better results in coming days.
Bright future is an alluring term, invented by the clever to befool the peoples. Make better your today, the coming days will be the best for you and your family. Today’s work, Tomorrow’s future

Astrology and Professions

Every baby’s birth reveals this fact that a new talent has into being, and what types of talent he or she has got by birth is decoded by Astro- aspects checking his or her birth data chart.
An expert astrologer guides you about right professions for which purpose your being is on earth. If we follow our birth talent, our future will be bright; if we reject our birth talent and follow against the birth talent we will make dark our future.
Think for a awhile, there are present no teachers for the inventors anywhere, God enlightens their mind, reason and imagination for a specific invention or discovery.
All things are present already in the universe, the talented peoples find them, and how they are working in the universe.

Always Follow your Birth Trends

I make daily horoscopes professionally but I see that there is no similarity between the two horoscopes, why? Its reason is clear, every body’s time of birth, place of birth and country of birth and date of birth is different all over the world.
Those who follow others in business or in any other field of life to make brighten their future are fools. Know your birth traits and follow them, you will be a great man on earth.

Astrology in Ancient Days

Since man’s creation, astrology is working, in all heavenly books, it is written that Pharaoh’s astrologers told Pharaoh that they have seen a star in the sky, indicating a child who turn turtle your dynasty surely. Later on the prediction made by the Pharaoh’s astrologers proved true.
God Himself indicated to the planet through the astrologers of Pharaoh. It is a fact that when a comet appears in the sky reveals a great leader has come on earth to bring revolution positively to finish evil from earth.
Before the Christ’s birth, the astrologers were watching the planets’ movements in the heaven. After confirm it the star has appeared in the heaven that revealed the birth of Jesus Christ.
All “Came to Jerusalem saying where is he who has been born King of Jews? For we have seen his star in the East and have come to worship him” (Mathew 2: 12)
As you see the men who saw the star of Jesus Christ were three astrologers belonged to the Persian religion as we see historically how astrology announced the birth of Jesus Christ.
Astrology is not a myth but a concrete reality. In ancient days it was called royal art and its practice is made only in the kings’ courts. In those nobody knows about astrology just only priest. In modern age it is called astrology.
To sum up, astrology is a royal art and is the best tool to know your birth traits to server humanity and to make bright your future. It is a fact that astrology covers all walks of life.
We can get every types of guideline in all branches of life. Expert astrologers guide honestly to their clients, what will be your business, how will be your spouse, how many children you will have, what will be your source of earning, in which you will earn your livelihood…