9. In human body every action of life organs is natural; nothing is un-natural in human body. Human body is made of minerals and vitamins and its reaction generates energy that drives human body. It is called a natural process.
We all have left the valley of nature and living in the lap of artificial flower valley. Owing to this, we all have fallen prey to different chronic diseases as cancer, HIV… operation for a baby birth in all countries…
I n modern age every woman is being operated for a baby birth. It is un-natural and a game of the clever medicine companies who awarded heavy gifts and money to the doctors for selling their surgical products and related medicines.
Has Women’s Natural Birth System Denies?
It is a question for wise men, has woman’s natural birth denied on modern age or it is a fake method to damage the woman and to sell their products with the help of governments.
Doctors Damage Women’s Natural Birth System Knowingly
When a pregnant lady goes to the doctors for check up, he or she says to the lady that in your body is iron deficiency. For this they prescribe for the lady Iron tablet and folic acid. It is a vitamin of the B complex found especially in green vegetables, liver, and kidney. The doctors do not prescribe natural things as fruits and vegetables, milk Desi ghee or butter.
Think why they do not prescribe these things to the patients, especially to the pregnant ladies. There is a game behind it just to earn money and nothing else.
In olden days, there was no caesarean all babies were born naturally, I wonder that women are the same, women’s birth system is the same but the birth system is un-natural or the birth system has denied in modern age.
The Doctors’ Wrong Concept
When a pregnant lady goes to the doctor to check up, they say you are facing iron deficiency and prescribes for her iron tablet or folic acid tablet. Why?
When they started taking the tablets the baby gets also food from the mother and effects of the tablet go to the baby body and baby falls prey to different types of diseases as oxygen deficiency. I have seen every baby falling prey to oxygen deficiency and is kept in the incubator.
With the artificial process, the woman muscles do not expand for the baby birth and thus the natural process of a baby birth is blocked by the medicines. Sometimes a baby is born before the time and is kept in the incubator.
The doctors do not prescribe for the mother natural foods that prepare the mother for a healthy baby birth.
Pregnant Women’s Check Up: A Fashion
Every pregnant woman goes for her baby check up. In modern age it has become a fashion all over the world/ I see daily that very baby is being got out of the belly by operation damaging the woman knowingly.
Keep in mind, medicines damage your baby in the wombs, women must attention to it. Take fruits and cereals all types of vegetables, butter, milk and other natural products.
Pregnant Women’s Safety Method
The seat of generation in women is Venus, governed by the influence of Venus. Using Venus herb, plants, trees and mineral its strength may be increased naturally but the doctors have turned women to a wrong direction.
They have changed the process of women’s act of generation by using medicines block muscles’ expansion naturally. Thus its result appears in caesarean.
First of all we all must know that vital force stays in our heart, from heart it disperse in arteries but it is governed by influence of the sun in all human beings’ body.
Keep in mind, as the sun to the Macrocosm, our heart is to Microcosm. The universe is Macrocosm and our body is the same replica of the Macrocosm is called Microcosm.
It is sun that gives to very human being and every particle of the universe; life, light and motion. In the mothers’ wombs it is the sun that gives light, light and motion to the baby.
When in human body solar spirit will be less the motions of the baby will be less and the baby’s health will be affected surely without any doubt. The heart the sun of the human body…
If women eat solar herbs her birth process will strengthened by the herb wonderfully.
The second most important universal virtue lives in liver and is governed by Jupiter. It spreads its virtue in the whole body through veins. Its main function is to nourish the whole body.
The third virtue that is the property of human body is blood, hot and moist, governed by Jupiter and spreads in the whole body through veins.
Choler is also the waste of blood, as the foam of the cucumber. It is our blood that drives our activity and valor in practical life
Intellective Virtue
The intellectual virtue resides in our brain in guise of Pia Matter, and is governed by Mercury. Intellect is divided into three parts; imagination, judgment and memory.
Why do Pregnant Women Face Complications?
Human body is made of cells. The cells get its energy from the minerals. Our body produces vitamins not minerals. We take minerals from the fruits and dry fruits.
In our body 44 minerals work with one another help thus our body system works twenty four hours. If our body feels the deficiency of any mineral it reacts in different as pain, pimples, itching, hair loss, heart attack…
Fools call it disease and wise men call it deficiency. They try to fill the gap with natural things, fools through medicines. It is a basic difference between a wise man and a fool.
In human body thousands of functions act and react with the help of minerals.
Essential Minerals List
Zinc; possibly essential
Strontium; probably essential
Lead; probably essential
Aluminum; more than need toxic
Cadmium; more than need toxic
Barium; probably essential
Vanadium; probably essential
Tin; probably essential
Arsenic; probably essential
Mercury; Toxic
Nickel; probably essential
Bismuth; toxic
Lithium; probably essential
Boron; probably essential
Gold: probably non-essential
Silver: probably non-essential
Beryllium; probably toxic
Antimony. Slightly toxic
Thallium. Toxic
Germanium; probably essential
Bromine; probably essential
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