What Planet Represents Actions?

Table of Contents

3. First of all, my respected readers I try to understand what is astrology? How planets affect our action in a typical and normal situation in daily life is very important for all of us.
Every planet moves our action but it rests on the planets what planet motivates us and what is the time of motivation. Keep in mind time produces everything and the whole production on earth is the production of time.
Birth data chart exposes this mystery what planet will control your action in daily life and what types of aspects your Ascendant ruler is casting with other planets and in what house and sign, is very important to check.
The readers must keep in mind that there seven active planets that affect human life and actions and reaction in daily life.
  1. Saturn

  2. Jupiter

  3. Mars

  4. Sun

  5. Venus

  6. Mercury

  7. Moon

I discuss turn by turn the seven planets’ actions and reactions in different situations and conditions.
Astrology controls our daily actions unconsciously...beware
Planets guide us un all walks of life,,,in professions, in jobs, in education and health
  1. The Actions of Saturn Man

Saturn is a very heavy planet away from the heat of the Sun, that is why, it is cold and dry, moist vapors. Those who are holding Capricorn Ascendant or Aquarius Ascendant will be slow in actions and reactions, slowing thinking, and slow in speaking. His daily motions are 6 minutes per day.
For example, when Mercury a quick star represents intelligence conjuncts, makes trine or sextile or makes opposition, or makes square Saturn will make tour thinking actions and reactions slow but will be fine and clear thinking it rests on the aspect
It is an earthly sign but unfortunate and harmful. He speaks less, in working has patience, in arguing and disputing very serious, in obtaining he works slowly and at last get all things what he wants.
If Saturn makes in birth data chart and make many squares and oppositions, it is called affliction, thus his actions will be different…
Is Saturn is afflicted at birth the actions will be envious, jealous and mistrustful in all dealings stubborn, sluggish, women hater and a big liar, cunning and malicious in his actions and reactions.
  1. The Actions of Jupiter Man

Jupiter is the great planets in all the planets. In action he will be magnanimous, trustful, highest goal desire in an honorable way with hard working, in love will be fair dealing, think about all men for benefits, they make glorious things in life, respected everywhere and religious minded…
In speaking he will sweet, humble conversation maker, pays more attention his wife and children, respect the old men, helps the poor at any cast, a blessing in society…
A big heart holder makes charity works, hate all under dignity and shameful works in society, thoughtful, virtuous in actins and reactions…
But when Jupiter is inflicted in the birth charts his all actions and reactions will be reverse.
In such condition Jupiter man wastes his wealth got from his parents as inheritance, teases everyone at home and out of home, hypocrite in all religious matters, makes false values in religion knowingly to deceive others, ignorant, careless, cheat friends.
  1. The Actions of Mars Man

Its nature is hot and dry, choleric and fiery. It is an in-fortunate planet like Saturn. Strife and contentions make on earth. Such peoples’ face looks always angry.
Mars man action will be severe, serious and sudden in angry mood with a wry face making eyes red like blood running in the eyes. He will be brave, courageous and invincible in war, fight and battle.
He will be bold and confident in action, contemptuous, and accept all challenges in any situation. Action wise Mars man loves love and war and winner in both.
He jumps into the danger without fear he bows to none without cause. He fight to win in all matters and hates defeat.
When Mars is afflicted with squares the actions of Mars man will be reverse. He will be prattler, no modesty, no honesty, a lover battle, slaughters, murderer and quarrels, traitor to friends, rash, obscene, no fear of God and no care for men and women, unthankful, treacherous and cheater.
  1. The Actions of Solar Man

The Sun is hot and dry with a fiery nature. Its movement is fixed from the East to West since its creation.
The Solar man’s action will be faithful and his promises will be punctual and never cheats anyone. He has a severe desire to rule the nation, the family and peoples. His judgment becomes accurate and incomparable. He makes great labor to earn honor and gets a large inheritance.
It is the solar man who is commander of his all action. He speaks less more in terse language with meaning words. He keeps secrets secret, trustful and loyal to friends. Low thoughts cannot enter into his minds. His mind is full of grand thoughts and ideas.
When the Sun casts many squares and oppositions it is considered inflicted. In such condition his actions will be reverse.
His actions will be full of arrogance and pride, showing pride on his pedigree, his judgment will be faulty, purblind. Bodily will be restless, troublesome for others, tries to dominate everyone.
Not sober in actions and reactions or in speaking words. He loses his patrimony and hates charity, mingy and this all en must bow him.
  1. The Actions of Venus Man

Venus is a cold and moist planet but lesser unlucky and the planet of night.
Venus man and women have a quite nature, pleasant neat, clean and have no interest in quarrels and court’ cases. In their actions and reactions reflects love and joy. They wear neat and clean dresses and no interest in drinking but gluttonous, always involve in love matters legal and illegal.
They are hot in love actions and reactions, like music and fond of taking bath joyfully. They take interest in as stage actors. They do not take pains in any matters and hate labor.
Company makers, loyal and faithful but have jealousy without causes. It is their bad habit.
If Venus in the birth chart is infortune and casts many a squares and opposition with other planets especially Saturn and Mars all traits will reverse surely. They will be action wise quarrelsome, spend more carelessly and have a lewd companies secretly for their physical lust
Their reputation becomes bad famous as night girls. They enjoy no repute, no respect, no love, no respect. They spend their money in bar, casino, ale house and no respect for religion.
  1. The Actions of Mercury Man

Mercury is a cold and dry planet but its gender is not know neither it is a make nor a female its nature flexible because when it conjuncts Venus, it adopts the traits of Venus, when it conjuncts Mars, it acts like a Martial man. It is a eunuch planet.
Mercury man is very clever and has apolitical brain and thinking, active and clever in all dealings. He becomes a good logician and congestion, his discretion and learning are very good.
His speech becomes full of eloquence and he is a good searcher in all walks of life. His brain is sharp, learning all things without a teacher.
He is fond of learning and foreign travels and his fancy full of imaginations, unwearied.
Curious to learn occult knowledge and science, learn quickly. If Mercury man takes interest in any field as in magic, politics, and science, he gets success surely in the field he chooses.
He searches new ways to collect wealth and very soon gets success without more efforts.
If Mercury is inflicted in the birth chart his nature and wit will be troublesome. His pen, mind and tongue will oppose everyone in his writings, speeches and words.
Hi is a liar, prattle, boaster, false tales maker and writer, His main focus is to cheat everyone in life. His learning becomes faulty, a fish monger among men. He speaks idle words and nothing else.
  1. The Actions of Lunar Man

Moon is a cold, moist and melancholic planet. Lunar man becomes soft, tender nature, loves for honesty, his interest lies in science, and scientific researches. He shifts his professions, habits and ideas very soon and time to time, no consistency in dealing and professions.
Lunar man becomes timorous and coward in all dealings and actions always gets supports others.
In life he adopts many professions in life but with the passage of time changes back to back. He promises daily and breaks very easily without any hesitation.
If the Moon is inflicted in the birth chart, the lunar man will be vagabond, idle person, labor hater, drunkard, begs craftily everything.
To sum up, planets play an important role in our life, planets shape our trends and personality and manners. What types of manners and personality someone adopts it rests on the planets’ aspects good or bad in the birth chart.
If you want to know about your horoscope, you may contact me at the given address or mobile number or email address.
By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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