What is the Meaning and Function of Mind?

Table of Contents

 and 20. I have read many articles in books Mind but it is still a complex question among the philosophers. Think, why? You will wonder, how?

The Reason why Peoples could not Understand Mind, Still?

I understand that those who do not understand the importance of religion in life or those who deny religion cannot understand the nature of mind, and what Mind is in a real sense.
Most of the peoples do not know the necessity, power and profit of religion. Religion was exploited in old age and also is exploited in modern age.
I talk about Divine Religion, not just Priests’ of Mullas’ religion. Divine Religion is God made and mundane religion is man- made.
It is the Divine Religion that purifies Mind and Spirit in human body. Nobody likes ungodliness at home and out of homes, think, why? It is our Mind and Spirit part because spirit is the decree of God running in all human beings.
We cannot integrate life without piety on earth and in heaven. It teaches us Divine Religion, not man-made religion. Divine Religion helps us to empower our spirit and mind without any doubt.
God does not accept a man until he is divine and pious on earth and in heaven.
Before I tell my readers what is Mind? I tell you of which property the Mind is a sub part. There are three things; Reason, Mind and Imagination, all three properties are the part of one- Soul, the soul that keeps us alive on earth running in all human beings.
What is the Meaning and Function of Mind?
What is the Meaning and Function of Mind?

How Reason, Mind and Imagination Work

First the Mind illumines reason, at the same time human flows into our imagination, all in one Soul. Reason illumined by Mind cannot be free of errors, keep in mind, reason does not give light to Mind, and it is a godly light that illumines the Mind on earth. This godly light makes men intellectual.
The intellectual light is infused into the Mind to reason in earthly men and women by God. The light makes men rational. It is not corporeal but celestial.
When we fix our Mind on God in lone, the celestial light makes correspondence with the man through the celestial light that enlightens Mind, Spirit and Soul. Mad is made of three things Mind, Spirit and Soul.
Man is made of earth, spirit comes from the planets, and soul comes from God. Thus man lives and works on earth in daily life.
Godly light enlightens every particle on earth; every cell in human body, stars, in animals, in flowers, n mountains and hill… is enlightened by the celestial light.
The celestial light equally shines on all things but when it shines on men they make wonderful inventions as Nicola Tesla invented countless inventions and ideas as a corporeal man we all know about Nikola Tesla’s inventions.
Mind, Reason and Imagination all three are the properties of soul. Soul decreases and increases with the passage of time. The more you will be pious, the higher will be your soul and its properties Mind, Reason and Imagination.
The fumes or the passions of soul are fantasy. It is not the part of reason and mind but the sub property of Soul. When Soul is elevated strongly it brings some health and sickness physically and spiritually.
The elevated soul’s fantasy has a power to change a proper body practically. The soul is inflamed by a stronger imagination and its state is called fantasy.
Monster imagination and fantasy produces monster creation in women’s and animals’ wombs. It is the power of human soul appears in elevated imagination and fantasy changes all men and animals physically.
As the vapors of leprosy and plague enter into a healthy human body through inhaling the body falls prey to plagues and leprosy. Just like the same when evil eye-vapors enter into human body or animals or trees even in all creatures all fall prey to illness. It is Evil Eye in all countries.
Behind it works the passions of soul through a powerful imagination.

What is Mind?

I have read and you all have read in the educational books that the main job of mind is to think and reason provides it the strongest arguments.
But it is a concrete fact that it is a fake and false statement and research, written in all educational books. In all holy books is written that God give a heart to think, eyes to see and ears to listen.
Our heart to think, our mind to decide whether it is true or false, useful or harmful, reason provides its strong argument whether yo act upon it or not.
For example: If you are walking in a big mall, you see a very beautiful jewelry, you like it, this process occurs in your imagination, not in mind, when you think that you want to buy it but you have no money.
From here our mind starts working upon it tell you what to do to buy the jewelry and reason tell you the ways to buy it and why to buy it?
Celestial beings help the passions of mind that is why, in every work constancy is a most important to get success.

How Human Will Contacts with Godly Light?

Greek philosophers and Arab philosophers agree at this philosophical point that if someone’s Will fixes any goal, after some days’ practice Human Will compels Mind and Intelligence to do what the master of Will wants.
Doing so Human Will gets the contact of celestial light and the light enlightens the mind of the master. Man is the master of his will  thus he controls everything on earth.
The mind that is more perfect in desiring something catch the attention of the goal in practical life.
I want to draw your attention to this sensitive point that mind and will also the property of human soul and human soul id the decree of God, enters into human with the Will of God’ Will is a secret, not told still.
What is the Meaning and Function of Mind?
What is the Meaning and Function of Mind?

How to Activate Mind for any Work

Behind all great or small works is emotion or passion. Passion activates desire, desire activates reason, reason with arguments activates mind and mind activates will thus human Will fixes goal to achieve.

The Virtues of Human Mind

Human Will as an essential part of Godly soul has some virtues as changing, attracting, hindering and hindering something. If the master of will desires all things obey him surely. It is the magic that Saints used to perform in past days.
Human’s will can change, bind, hinder and attract all as animals, insects and men of lesser wit, with the help of elevated passions of mind. There is no doubt in it.
All can perform this job first of all, purify your soul , if your soul  is purified, your mind and will be very strong and will work on all things.
It is a law of nature superior soul controls all inferior souls on earth with the help of mind and a strong will with the help a strong desire.
As the Diamond hinders the loadstone to attract a piece of iron, if we put it with the Diamond because the Diamond is superior than iron…
If you want to impress others you will have to make self superior. All superior things control all inferior things/
In the real sense, we all are the salves of our passions and emotions. We spend our life praising othersthink and study how to refine our soul.
We link the topic of soul to human religion, not to Divine Religion. It is not so it is the soul that drives us in life.
To sum up, reason, mind and imagination are the properties of human soul.
Further emotions and passions are the properties of elevated mind.
passions and emotions control mind.
But behind all things a strong will works. We can say that a strong desire activates all.
But eyes cannot seethe process even the man who comes under its control may not realize how it happens.
I think that my humble readers have understood about the function of mind. Our will power is the driver of human mind.
By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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