Moon the Indicator of Diseases in the Birth Chart! (Part 2)

The Moon with Mars: The Killer Planet

34. As all the astrologers know that there are two planets that are called killers; Saturn and Mars. Mars is a hot and dry planet with merciless nature when joins with other planets in the birth chart with square, opposition and conjunction.
While is dry and cold due to which it is also called the killer planet among the ten planets. Both Mars and Saturn kill or give death to the patients according to the laws of nature. When death times comes both kill.
All aspects of Mars are most important with other planets but the aspects Mars makes with the Moon are most important from all respects. I will discuss in this article all not but square, opposition and conjunction with the Moon.

The Moon in Aries with Mars

When the Moon enters into the Aries the first sign at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes square, opposition or conjunction with Mars in Aries means that…
The disease enters into brain due to hot imagination that become false and fake thus fever starts with no rest and peace of mind and body.
Mouth hot, thirst more and more, tongue dries, liver inflames, hotness in the chest. All parts lose hotness and go dry due to which men become in danger in such condition, hot things help to maintain blood level and the rhythm of life organs.
When the Moon separates from the cruel aspects of Mars and at the same time applies to Saturn with cruel aspects, the at the time of making aspects is decreasing in light and slow in motion means that the patient has a small hope to live more at the time. In such condition try to moist blood that can help in such condition.

The Moon in Taurus with Mars

When the Moon enters into the Taurus the second sign at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes square, opposition or conjunction with Mars in Aries means that…
The blood corrupts due to which the party falls prey to sickness anon without knowing the cause. Inflammation prevails upon the neck, throat and all hinder parts. The bones feel tiredness and no rest and sleep enters into body.
I have found in my practice in such condition the indication of stone in bladder or in kidneys,

The Moon in Gemini with Mars

When the Moon enters into the Gemini the third sign at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes square, opposition or conjunction with Mars in Aries means that…
When the Moon enters into Gemini making square, opposition or conjunction increases violent fever and the pylse becomes weak. At the same time blood becomes hot to increase the dangerous fever. It is just due to blood corruption in such condition try to clean the blood to save the patient.
I have seen in my practice if the Moon makes ill aspects with the Moon pain starts in the whole body. Arms and joints become moment less and thus heat in veins increases and the patient vomits blood.
Moon the Indicator of Diseases in the Birth Chart! (Part 2)
Moon the Indicator of Diseases in the Birth Chart! (Part 2)

The Moon in Cancer with Mars

When the Moon enters into the Cancer the fourth sign at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes square, opposition or conjunction with Mars in Aries means that…
In such condition, stomach upsets and wind floats in it cases vomiting blood due to overeating and hot foods cause such types of diseases that mat lead the patient to violent disease and death if no care is made at the time of the problem.

The Moon in Leo with Mars

When the Moon enters into the Leo the fifth sign at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes square, opposition or conjunction with Mars in Aries means that…
In such condition, blood becomes too much ho and fever prevails upon the whole body. Pulse weak and strong fitness starts at the same time.
Appetite ends and heaviness prevails over the whole body. Heart beat becomes entirely upsets.
In such condition the patient dies after the nine day when the first attack of the disease starts. It is due to the violent aspect when the Moon opposes Mars in the horary chart of in the birth chart.

The Moon in Virgo with Mars

When the Moon enters into the Virgo the sixth sign at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes square, opposition or conjunction with Mars in Aries means that…
In such condition belly problem changes with small fever, the root of this disease is sadness, pulse weak, vomiting if eat something, and appetite remains small,
In such condition if the good planets; Venus or Jupiter do not help, the patient dies within 30 days.
I have seen many times the cause causes leg’s and ankle’s weakness. It is a never failing cause the death.

The Moon in Libra with Mars

When the Moon enters into the Libra the seventh sign at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes square, opposition or conjunction with Mars in Aries means that…
In such condition, blood corrupts and pulse becomes weak, rest and sleep fly at the same time inflammation starts all over the body, I have seen observed that in such condition blood heated due to wrong diets.
I have observed sometimes a stone in kidneys that leads to more complex situation, try to cool down the blood heat to save the patient’s life.

The Moon in Scorpio with Mars

When the Moon enters into the Scorpio the eighth sign at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes square, opposition or conjunction with Mars in Aries means that…
In such condition a great weakness appears in private parts, pile, fistula, and in children Hemorrhoid. Head problem starts and in reins great heat disturbs causes Gonorrhea, The main cause of this disease is corrupt blood due to wrong diets in daily routine. Be careful.

The Moon in Sagittarius with Mars

When the Moon enters into the Sagittarius ninth sixth sign at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes square, opposition or conjunction with Mars in Aries means that…
In such condition, the patient falls prey to serious diseases due to gluttony, and starts high fever and belly pains of different kind, pulse disappears and faintness starts at the same time,
In such condition, if the sick faces the seven days and the Moon makes a true square with that was when he fell ill that the sick has chances to recover the disease.
I have observed that in such condition blood heats due to wrong diets and exercise. Fever starts and gouts in hand feet, makes the disease more complex. Around the eyes starts swelling at the same time.
Moon the Indicator of Diseases in the Birth Chart! (Part 2)
Moon the Indicator of Diseases in the Birth Chart! (Part 2)

The Moon in Capricorn with Mars

When the Moon enters into the Capricorn the tenth sign at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes square, opposition or conjunction with Mars in Aries means that…
I such condition, choler prevails in body, fever starts along with vomiting, swelling in the sinews at the same time flux in the belly, fever gain and again, inflammation of the breast and chest, joints of the hand and feel inflame.
It is the indication of yellow jaundice. The patient slowly and slowly weakens and lean. It is a very hard for the physician to recover it. Blood slowly and slowly disappears from the whole body.

The Moon in Aquarius with Mars

When the Moon enters into the Aquarius the eleventh sign at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes square, opposition or conjunction with Mars in Aries means that…
In such condition, the disease starts with violent passions or too much anger leads the man to severe illness, uncontrollable. When the Moon opposes Mars in the chart reveals the indication of heart disease, pain starts in the heart, fits start at the same time.
Fever starts and blood vessels and veins swelled at once, pulse rate and heart beat very high, a great pain in heart and difficult tl breathe.

The Moon in Pisces with Mars

When the Moon enters into the Pisces the twelfth sign at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes square, opposition or conjunction with Mars in Aries means that…
When makes opposition, square or conjuncts the Moon in Pisces, increasing in light, and the motions are swift, means the body is full of gross or bodily waste.
The disease starts with too much drinking and long with it swelling starts also. Burning fever starts at the same time, the sick wants more wine. The head and throat suffocated.
By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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