27. I have asked many peoples of different countries, what is a perfect health? None could give me a solid answer to my question.
Therefore I decided to write an in detailed article for my readers so that they could maintain their health in daily life.
What is Health?
The balance of minerals and vitamins in body is called health while the shortage of minerals and vitamins in body is called disease.
If we think in lone that the whole world is standing on balance if the balance is out horrible accidents occur as we observe in daily life. All flying objects fly on the ground of balance, if they lose the balance, they will fall at once.
As we observe that the solidarity of a building rests on its composition as cement, sand and water. If we make a mixture of three things out of balance, the building will not be stable and after a short time it will fall. Think, why?
Just like the same process is repeated in our body daily what we eat, from our diets minerals and vitamins are released for our body health to maintain our whole body structure.
First of all we all must pay attention to our diets that what the fruits and vegetables or other foods we are taking is injurious to health or useful for health.
Because, what we eat our life organs separate mineral and vitamins from our diets for health. Life organs keep all useful vitamins and minerals for body but harmful and extra free radicals throw away out trough bowls and vomiting.
What is Disease?
Disease is nothing but the death of human body cells or no motion in the cells due to wrong diets is called disease in medical term. There is no other definition of disease, if anybody defines disease beside it, are fools and making others’ fools or their wrong knowledge makes them fools.
What is Man’s Body?
Human body is a mixture of three elements: earth, spirit and soul. We are made of earth, spirit comes from the planets to activate life organs and soul comes from God to make us alive as we see.
There is a big difference between soul and spirit. For example, electricity is energy for light but water is soul because water generates energy because it is base of electricity to lighten every object of light producing part.
As we observe that after death we donate our body parts, if the man is died, how his body parts work even after his physical death. What does it mean?
It simple means that after death some of the human life organs receive energy from the planets to charge the parts but soul that is the decree of God is taken back thus life organs lose its might to maintain our health.
A Deep Link between Health and Soul
There is deep link between health and soul, apparently, it will look you a foolish thought or idea but the reality is the same what I say.
What we eat, human body acts upon it as it was ordered by God. Neither we can run our internal system according to our will nor wish nor we can self produce internal results of the diets as we all want.
The system that produces energy for us is God-made, not man-made. Thus our internal system of life organs follow natural laws, not known all to us still, even science has failed to understand the whole system of human body.
In every cell of human body there is a soul and energy works combined. Our food energy produces energy for our body parts’ growth.
If our soul is ill, we are ill mentally and physically, while if our soul is powerful, we are hale and healthy all times. Human soul gets signals from the above what to do nest in guise of codes, only understood by our life organs.
Each system in human body that works is under the laws of God’ Commandments, not under our commandments. But a few know this secret and try to restore health by self made system fail in practical life.
How Minerals and Vitamins Work in Body?
Every cell of human body is made of mineral and vitamins. Vitamins produces our body self from which what we eat, while minerals are not produced by our body, we take all minerals from out sources by fruits of different kinds as by eating apples, grapes, strawberries, pomegranates, dates…
Most important part in human body is of calcium that present in human body 98 % in our bones, skull, tissues, teeth, nails and flexible tissues.
If the level of calcium falls in human body, the body shows its reaction in shape of different types of pains and diseases. Sometimes is known and sometimes is unknown to all.
For example, thyroid gland problem is an indication of the deficiency of calcium, heart attack is a sign of calcium deficiency in arteries, and a weak memory is also a sign of calcium deficiency, rickets is also a sign of calcium deficiency of calcium..
Kidneys and liver problems is due to chromium deficiency, if a n sucking babe is given just milk for six or seven months so the child will get the deficiency of copper causes brain problems, but for a long time deficiency of chromium causes long term comma.
All types of fistula and piles are due to chromium deficiency, iron makes hemoglobin red due to which faces shine, In human body 3 to 5 grams iron is found but one gram is found in liver, one gram iron is wasted by urine and perspiration daily.
When in human body become iron deficiency the red turns pale thus human face color becomes pale.
Likewise, Magnesium deficiency causes continuous lethargy and on body appears round high glands. Magnesium deficiency causes cancer and severe pain In brain. Sudden brain changes like a mad man.
Five Important Minerals to Maintain Health