How to Check when someone will Get Married in Astrology?

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By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer
45. Marriage is a most important event in life. It may mar and make your future, if you choose a wrong life partner mistakenly. It is very dangerous for you.
According to my point of view before getting marriage, all must contact an expert astrologer.
Therefore, I have read that your wife is a curse or a gift of God for you on earth. Be careful in selecting a life partner.
I will tell you some golden rules how to choose a wife or a husband in the light of astrology.

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Golden Rules for the Judgment of Marriage

If someone asks you about marriage; First of all, check the Ascendant, and its Lord. Secondly, check the Moon and the planet from whom the moon is getting separation.
Both will be the Significators of the man who asks you. Seventh house, its Lord, and the planet to which the moon applies, both will be the Significators of the person who asks the question,
An important point I tell here; if the asker is a man, join the sun and moon with his Significators.
If the asker is a woman, join with it Venus and moon with its Significators.
Afterwards, check, the Lord of the Ascendant and the sun males any aspects with the Lord of the Seventh or the planet to which the moon gets separation.
Just like the same, check, if the Lord of the Seventh and Venus makes any aspect with the Lord of the Ascendant or the sun, or it applies to the planets to which it applies.

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If the Lord of the Ascendant or the moon applies to the Lord of Seventh house means that you will get marriage.
If the application makes a square or opposition or with reception means that you will get married marriage after a hard toil.
On the other hand, if the Lord of the Seventh or or the planet to which the moon applies or to which planet the gets separation; or the Lord of the Seventh is in the Ascendant means that you will marry easily. marriage.
It is the practical views of William Lilly. While Alkundi’s views (An Abrab Astrologer) I present here.

Alkundi’s Views on Marriage

According to Alkundi, if the Lord f the Seventh applies to the Lord of Ascendant, or if the Lord of the Ascendant applies ot the Lord of the Seventh; the marriage will be done easily.
If the moon applies to Venus and Venus is strong, increasing its motion and is in dignities, the marriage will be done easily.
If Venus beholds the Sun and the Sun has in dignity in the Ascendant and beholds the Lord of the House means is sure.
If the planet is applying to the planets, is cadent from the angle while their Lords do not behold each other means a good hope of marriage.
If moon, sun Venus and the Lord of the Ascendant or the Lord of the Seventh are at angles one another or makes square or opposition means that the matter will be solved after some difficulties.
If someone ponders over the system of Significators will find useful information that will logically helps the readers,
Astrology is not a joke but a serious matter. Its study makes the readers sharp and wise.

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Wife Loves More; or Husband Loves More

If the Lord of the Seventh is in the Ascendant means wife loves more her husband.
If the Lord of the Ascendant is in the seventh house means husband loves her wife.
If the lord of the Seventh is in the seventh house means that in its own house so your wife is a house wife.
If the Significators of the both parties do not behold one another means that both do not love one another. Both like someone else in the real sense.
If Mars or Saturn  frustrate the Significators of both of the parties  because both planets are killer planets; means that someone trying break the marriage.
Check in which house the planets make square or opposition with the Significators. It will tell you the cause.
If in the second house, means that wealth is an hindrance in marriage.
If in the third house means that the obstacle in marriage is are brothers and sisters. Thus check all turn by turn.
These are some golden rules that I have told you for your better understanding.
The young astrologers must study the horoscope carefully from all aspects for the better results.
Check Mars and Saturn aspects with the Lord of Ascendant and with the Lord of Seventh house

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