How the Part of Fortune Works in Birth Charts?

Table of Contents

39. The Part of Fortune plays an important role in human life as I have seen in most of the charts if it is posted in a good house and makes good aspects with auspicious planets as Jupiter and Venus.
It decodes sudden estate and wealth in life.

How to Calculate the Part of Fortune

  1. Check the sign, degree, minutes of the Moon
  2. Check the sign, degree, minutes of the Sun
  3. Subtract the pace of the Sun from the Moon
  4. What remains reserve, add it to the signs degrees of the Ascendant
  5. If you add and exceed from 12 signs, deduct the 12 signs from it, it will the place of the Part of Fortune. As we that Moon in Virgo 21:18, after 5 signs, the Moon has crossed five signs and enters into the sixth sign, Virgo 21:18
Place of the Moon   Sign 5   21 degrees 18 minutes
Place of the Sun,     Sign 0    4 degrees 18 minutes
                                 Sign 5   17 degrees, 00 minutes
The answer appears in 5 signs and 17 degrees.
Add the signs and degrees in the Ascendant sign and degrees. The Ascendant Leo is 4 signs, 21 degrees and 27 minutes.
                                  Sign        Degrees      Minutes
The sum                         05           17               00
Ascendant Sign Deg  04           23               27
Plus                          ………………………………
                                   10           10               27
30 degrees make one sign. We add one sign in it and remains 10 degrees. and 27 minutes
Now from Aries; count ten signs it will be Aquarius and place the Part of Fortune in it with the degrees and minutes.
How the Part of Fortune Works in Life?
How the Part of Fortune Works in Life?

The Mystery of Adding the Part of Fortune

1 Aries
2 Taurus
3 Gemini
4. Cancer
5 Leo
6. Virgo
7. Libra
8. Scorpio
9. Sagittarius
10. Capricorn
11. Aquarius
12. Pisces
Count the tenth sign is Capricorn and our Part of Fortune has completed the tenth sign and exceeds 27 minutes that it will fall in Aquarius not in Capricorn.

Fixed Rules for the Part of Fortune

  1. If the art of Fortune is counted from the New Moon, it will be in the Ascendant
  2. If the Moon has crossed the first quarter that it will be in the fourth house.
  3. If the Moon is full that it will be in the seventh house
  4. If the Moon is crossing the last quarter that it will be in the tenth house.
  5. After the first quarter after the full moon that it will be in the fourth, fifth or sixth house.
  6. After the full Moon that it will be in the seventh, eighth and ninth house
  7. After the last quarter that it will be in the tenth, eleventh and twelfth house.

A Strong Part of Fortune in Signs

The Part of Fortune is strong in these signs, Taurus, Pisces, Libra, Sagittarius, Leo, Cancer, and Gemini, in Virgo in terms of Jupiter or Venus
  1. If it conjuncts Jupiter or Venus in its dignity
  2. If it makes trine with Jupiter or Venus
  3. If it makes sextile with Jupiter or Venus
  4. If it makes conjuncts with North Nodes

Rules for a Strong Part of Fortune in House

The Part of Fortune is very strong in the firth house, second house, third house, forth house. Fifth house, seventh, ninth, tenth and eleventh house.

Tips for a Strong Part of Fortune with Fixed Stars

  1. If the Part of Fortune is in Leo with Regulus: degree 24:34. It is very strong. It must not be combust or under the sunbeams.
  2. If the Part of Fortune is in Libra with Spica Virginis: degree: 18:33. It is very strong. It must not be combust or under the sunbeams.
  3. If the Part of Fortune is in Leo with Regulus: degree 24:34. It is very strong. It must not be combust or under the sunbeams.

Weak Part of Fortune Indications

  1. When the Part of Fortune is in Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius in debility.
  2. If the Part of Fortune conjuncts Mars or Saturn in debility.
  3. If the Part of Fortune makes opposition or square with Mars South Nodes or Saturn. It is also weak if the Part of Fortune makes opposition or square with Mars South Nodes or Saturn in any of its terms.
  4. If the Part of Fortune is the twelfth house, eighth house or in the sixth house is weak.

Signs for a Strong Part of Fortune in the Chart

  1. If the Ascendant is not afflicted, along the Lord of the Ascendant is well fortified in the chart and the Moon makes a strong trine with the Lord of the Ascendant and the Part of Fortune means that your life is very long.
  2. When Jupiter or Venus are at the South Angel in Taurus and along with it the Sun is in Aries in the East, the Moon is in Virgo, or in South West means the client will travel to South and get success in life because the Part of Fortune is very strong.
  3. If in the chart Jupiter and Venus are in the tenth house with North Nodes, the Sun both are in the ninth house the client will enjoy   travel in youth.
  4. When the Sun gets separation from good or ill aspects and the Moon also ends aspects from Mercury to make trine with Venus so good events and bad events will happen in the past.
  5. If the Moon applies trine with Jupiter, along with it the Sun is the Lord of the Ascendant and is Exalted means the future is very bright in all walks of life.
  6. If the Moon is weak in the second house and making trine with Jupiter gets separation means after a great pleasure, the sand news will be heard after a few days.
  7. If the Moon is making trine with Jupiter and leaves a few degree in its completion means that pleasures are coming in life after a short time.
  8. If there is a greater is space in making the opposition of Mars with the Moon means that bad time will start and honor will fly in future.
 All events and things are controlled by from the above through the rays of the planets even our soul is driven by the rays of the planets.
How the Part of Fortune Works in Life?
How the Part of Fortune Works in Life?

How Luck Works In Life

If we use our birth potential in the right direction to find a goal that people call it Luck.
Those who find good lucks that they use their birth potential. Others choose wrong directions and get failure in life and they call it bad luck.
Birth charts just tell us what type of birth potential we have got on birth by God. Each man is awarded birth traits just to earn hi livelihood and to serve humanity.
We see different types of birth traits in men and women. Lucky are those who use their birth potential in the right direction to find a life goal.
Those who get health, wealth and fame all over the world all are full of imaginations. Good angels guide all men through imagination in dreams to the right direction.
Angels live in human brains in guise of imaginations that guide us to a right way or direction in life.
Think, someday sit in loneliness to make future goal that from where new ideas come in your minds. Good angels put them in our mind. A few know this secret.
Imaginations are created by the rays of the planets and what they do in brain the same thing as throwing a stone in the sea makes ripples in the sea water that enlarges bit by bit. Just like the same process is repeated in our brain.
If the readers pay attention to my words they will find the secret of a successful life how to achieve success in life on the ground of birth traits.
By JH Sayyar:Professional Astrologer

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