How can Astrology Affect Us?

Table of Contents

6. Astrology guides us in all walks of life as patents guide us in daily life and teach us to live and how to earn and from what profession someone must adopt to earn livelihood in life. Just like the same astrology teaches us about our professions, careers, jobs, marriage, life partners, diseases, love and love marriage…
If you study astrology with a composed mind, you will wonder how astrology affect us life, you will not believe in seeing its findings and results,
In ancient days, written in the Bible, Pharaoh was told by his adept astrologers that they have seen a star in the sky indicating a child is about to born in our land that will turn turtle your kingdom.
As the whole world say that Moses was born and brought up in Pharaoh’s palace and it was Moses who crushed his kingdom. Ponder how astrology affected the life of Pharaoh.

Astrology and Trends

First of all my respected readers must know that astrology informs about your trends not about your future. It guides in all walks of life but most of the peoples use it as a Future Telling Art is a wrong concept.

Astrology and Human Choice

I and you have seen many peoples in life that ruined their future due to choosing a wrong profession following the current trends in daily life.
From here we all conclude that not astrology but your wrong choice mars your present and future in the broader sense. Man is greedy by nature and falls prey to greed in life and falls in troubles.

Astrology and Birth Trends

All babies’ being on earth reveals the fact that all are special in their traits and qualities mentally and spiritually. Different charms in life in due to mind sets not due to physical man. Physically all men are same but mentally all men are not same as we all see.
Birth chart tell us that what types of trends a child got from the above and how to improve them practically in a society. Those who follow just the others ruin their lives very soon.

Follow your Birth Trends

When a child is born, anon ask any professional astrologer about your baby’s birth trends so that his or her future could be bright, useful for you and the society.
Following the current trends if your child chooses a wrong profession I mean against the birth trends he or she will lose the target of future.
There is no future. What is future?  Nothing but the outcome of the present deeds is called future. For example; there are some men who are stubborn in their mission to achieve and at last they get success. It means that such types of peoples follow their birth trends unconsciously and get name and fame.
How astrology affects our life and health
Astrology Helps us in Daily Life

According to Elon Musk and Bill Gates

I have heard many lectures of Elon Musk and Bill Gates who unconsciously accepted the fact that they follow what they wanted to achieve and got the peak of fame and wealth all over the world.
Unconsciously both of the men followed their birth trends exposed later by the astrologers who erected their birth charts, displayed on internet.

Three Types of Peoples on Earth

There are three types of peoples on earth: 1, supported by God, 2. supported by the society, 3 supported by self.
There is class of peoples always supported by God are the scientists, who invented and discovered some secretes of God for the betterment of the societies. What they do actually wanted it to do so.
The second types of the peoples those are who are supported by the societies, the society peoples turns their mind to come important issues of life and they get them easily and solve all of them with the help of their birth trend talent.
The third types of peoples are those who unconsciously follow their birth trends unconsciously and peoples call them stubborn in their mission to get what they want.
All types of peoples follow their birth trends. Think how a man of no traits can get the target against the birth talent. It is impossible.

Astrology and our Faith

As Nicola Tesla has rightly said that if someone wants to understand the whole universe and God also, he must understand in term of energy, wave and frequency.
What is the relation energy, wave and frequency with our faith and astrology?
Ponder over my words; God is just light, no physical being. When we pray to God our hands’ rays reach to God. Thus we and our heart get satisfaction from the pray.
So astrology teaches us how to use your energy, wave and frequency in the best ways: how? Following your birth trends in practical life…
Astrology fixes our birth salt, educational field, married life, children, career and so and so.

Astrology and our Thinking

Astrology fixes our practical thinking unconsciously and chooses your professional career. In daily life we change out trends bit by bit is due to the movements of the planets’ rays coming to us, to every object of nature.

Astrological Wisdom

Astrology teaches us that the heaven, the stars and the elements have a soul that affects our life at every step. Astrology teaches us all superior things or being control all inferior things or being practically in daily life since man’s creation.
When we follow Astro trends, we become superior like Bill Gates and Elon Musk who affect everyone’ life on earth positively negatively on earth…
As we see that in modern age internet affects our lives; think who invented internet system? The Americans, superior minds who followed their birth trends.

Astrology and Birth Salt

When a baby is born he or she is born with a salt deficiency, not known even to the doctors. When a baby falls prey to any serious diseases, then the doctors by tests know what is the deficiency in the baby?
I have cured hundreds of babies by changing their names and giving him or her birth salt.
There are twelve tissue salts that are most important for our body. If any one of the salt becomes less, babies fall prey ti illness.

Twelve Biochemical Tissue Salt

  1. Aries Birth Salt

Aries salt is Potassium Phosphate, commonly known as Kali Phos, power 30x to use. Get from any homeopathy store.
It supports our nerves and our nutrients. Its deficiency leads us to tension, headache, indigestion, depression, loss of sleep and irritability.
Kali Phos works with Ferrum Phos when both mix it control the osmosis of oxygen from the blood to tissues. It is function of Ferrum Phos but without Kali Phos Ferrum Phos cannot complete its process,
Kali Phos is the main fluid of our brain, nerves, muscles and blood cells.
All types of diseases in our blood cells, brain, muscles and nerves are due to the deficiency of this salt.
  1. Taurus Birth Salt

Taurus birth salt is Sodium Sulphate, commonly known as Nat Sulp, power 30 to use.
It maintains water level in our body. It helps in nausea, digestive problems, colic and influenza.
It regulates intercellular fluid density expelling excess water from the cells. It is a most important salt for the body.
  1. Gemini Birth salt

Gemini birth salt is Potassium Chloride, commonly known as Kali Mur, power, 30x, to use.
Our respiratory system is controlled by this salt. Its deficiency in our body leads to asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, cold, tonsillitis, sore throat, poor indigestion.
It is an essential salt for blood corpuscles, nerve cells, brain cells, muscles and intercellular fluids.
All diseases relate to anyone one of the above mentioned diseases means the deficiency of Kali Mur.
  1. Cancer Birth salt

Cancer birth salt is Calcium Fluoride, commonly known as Calc Phos, 30 x to use.
It promotes the elasticity of our tissues. Its deficiency leads us to hernias, prolepses, piles, and problem in varicose veins, problem in blood circulation, strained tendons, muscle weakness and poor dental health.
If anyone falls prey to anyone of the diseases, means Calc Phos deficiency.
  1. Leo Birth Salt

Leo birth salt is Magnesium Phosphate, commonly known as Mag Phos, 30 x to use.
It provides nutrient to nerves and muscles to block chronic pains, Cramps and menstrual pains also. It also relieves to colic pains and acute spasms.
This salt is found in white fibers of nerves and muscles in human body.
All types of diseases related nerves and muscles indicates the deficiency of Magnesium Phosphate.
  1. Virgo Birth Salt

Virgo birth salt is Potassium Sulphate, commonly known as Kali Sulp, 30x to use.
It promotes healthy skin and all types of skin problems it supports to maintain skin health. Yellow discharge from nose and mouth, poor health of nails, hairs and scalp problems is due to the deficiency of the salt.
It is the main ingredient in the body that fights with epidemics. It is found in our cells, intercellular fluids, nerves, epithelium and blood corpuscles.
  1. Libra Birth Salt

Libra birth salt is Sodium Phosphate, commonly known as Nat Phos, power, 30x to use.
It is an acid alkaline; the main regulator of our cells, Its deficiency leads us to acidity, heartburn, rheumatic pain and indigestion.
The whole body fluids are acid and alkaline, we must keep in mind the deficiency occurs in the alkaline factor because it is its an organic component.
When someone falls prey to hyperacidity, it means the deficiency of Nat Phos in our body.
All types of acidity problems, heartburn problems, rheumatic pains and indigestion problems are due to the deficiency of Nat Phos.
  1. Scorpio Birth Salt

Scorpio birth salt is Calcium Sulphate, commonly known as Calc Sulph, power 30x to use.
Its main function is to purify human blood. Its deficiency leads us to skin problems as pimples, skin spots, slow wound healing, dandruff, headaches, kidney problems, neuralgia,
It is found in the human live to expel waste from the body. It always presents in human bile.
Its deficiency in human body causes accumulation of waste, appears in nasal yellowish fluids, nasal catarrh, skin eruption,
  1. Sagittarius Birth Salt

Silica is the birth salt of Sagittarius, commonly known as Silica, power 30x to use.
It is found in hairs, nails, skin, periosteum, nerve sheaths and bone tissues. It is a cleanser and throws away unwanted matters from the body. In this respect it is a most important salt for human body.
  1. Capricorn Birth salt

Capricorn birth salt Calcium Phosphate, commonly known as Calc Phos, power 30x to use.
It helps in building new blood cells, bone deformities and strengthen teeth. It corrects poor blood circulation, frostbites, muscle cramps, chilblains, indigestion and anemia.
It is a most important salt for human growth and nutrition. It is an essential part of blood plasma, connective tissues and blood corpuscles.
It also presents in our salvia and gastric juices. It never gives permission to make waste blood clots in body.
  1. Aquarius Birth Salt

Aquarius birth salt is Sodium Chloride, commonly known as Nat Mur, power 30x to use.
It distributes water in our body to all cells equally. Its deficiency leads us to watery eyes, loss of sleep, taste and smell,
It is called water regulator in our body. It enters in all human body fluids and also enters into the solid composition of our body to maintain enough fluids in body.
  1. Pisces Birth Salt

Pisces birth salt is Phosphate of Iron, commonly known as Ferrum Phos, power 30x to use.
It is an essential part of red blood cells, and helps to distribute oxygen in the whole body. Its deficiency leads to inflammation on skin, fiver, sore throat, cough, chill, cold and muscular rheumatism.
It is most important for hemoglobin, inhaling air from outside and leaves it in the whole body. Iron presents in albumin which is basis of every cell in our body.
If you fall prey to any disease, try to find our your birth salt and take it daily, in severe deficiency take 15 drops three times in a day.
If the deficiency is minor take 6 drops daily three times in a day. I have cured hundreds of patients with the help of these tissue salts.
Take it without fear, you will find its results wonderful. Keep in mind, there is no disease but the deficiency of minerals, vitamin and tissue salts.
By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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