How to Find out Sickness in the Birth Chart?

Table of Contents

32. Life is a gift of God on earth for all of us but human life depends on a perfect health to perform the functions of daily life. Without a perfect health blessings are useless in life. As we all know.
When a baby is born the baby comes on earth with some birth hidden faults, not known even to the doctors just as the canker lives in the gall, and fragrance stays in the flowers unseen kust like same the cankers of diseases in in human organs but all unseen.

How Men Fall Prey to Chronic Sickness?

First of all we must know that all moral diseases are converted into physical diseases otherwise there is no disease on earth or in human body. It is an undeniable natural law.

How to Find Disease in the Birth Chart

To find disease in human body through the birth charts; there are two things to be noticed;
  1. Check the Ascendant how many planets are in the Ascendant
  2. Check how many planets are in the sicth house
  3. Check the Moon where it is posted in the birth chart
  4. Check which planet afflicts the Moon and in which house and sign.
  5. Check in the chart the planet that afflicts the Moon, is of what house lord in the chart.

What Part of the Body is afflicted and How to Find?

If the Ascendant is afflicted by the presence of an evil planet as Mars or Saturn and any one of them be Retrograde, combust or peregrine, slow in motion, makes square or opposition with the Lord of the fourth house, or with the Lord of the Sixth house, or with the Lord of the eighth house, or with the Lord of the twelfth reveals that
  1. The disease is in the head or
  2. The body part that is indicated by the sign and house in birth chart.
For example, if the sign ascending is Cancer and in it is posted Saturn means the disease is in the head because the first house indicates head.
Cancer is a watery sign and Saturn nature is to block all liquids so Saturn will make cough, constipation and other diseases…The same pattern may be applied to all other houses and signs keeping in mind the nature of planet and signs.
How to Find out Sickness in the Birth Chart?
How to Find out Sickness in the Birth Chart?

The Cause of Disease How to Find?

For this purpose, check the Ascendant and the sixth house sign are of the same nature. If the first house is fiery and at the same time sixth house is also fiery means, hectic fiver,
If the signs are earthly means long and tedious fever. The signs are airy means the blood is corrupt may produce gouts in hand and feet.
If the signs and planets are watery means cough and in stomach problems.

The Houses: Representative of the Disease

First House Represents:

Head, eyes, face, sticking breath and sore mouth

The Second House Represents:

Throat and neck

The Third House Represents:

Arms, hands and shoulders

Fourth House Represents:

Stomach, breast and lungs

The Fifth House Represents:

Back, liver, heart, ribs sides, lower part of the shoulders

Sixth House Represents:

Belly, guts, liver, belly lower part and kidneys

Seventh House Represents:

Small intestines, bladder, rib and hip middle part and tissues

Eighth House Represents:

Arse, back bone and groin

Ninth House Represents:

Hip and hip bone

Tenth House Represents:

Knees and the pack part of the knees

Eleventh House Represents:

Shin bone and shank

Twelfth House Represents:

Feet and all diseases of the feet
The Signs: Representative of the Disease

Aries Represents:

All types of diseases in the head and face

Taurus Represents:

The diseases of neck and throat, small pox and pimples

Gemini Represents:

Shoulders, hands, arms and corrupt blood

Cancer Represents:

Scabbiness, breast cancer, hurt in the breast, spleen, lungs, stomach problem,

Leo Represents:

Back bone, side ribs, lower part of the breast, blood corrupt

Virgo Represents:

Problems in intestines and gas in the stomach

Libra Represents:

Heat in back and stones in kidneys, joints and haunches diseases due to over eating and over drinking

Scorpio Represents:

Groins and the secret parts, Arse, bladder, pile and stone on the bladder

Sagittarius Represents:

Hip, buttocks, Fistula, itching and scabbiness

Capricorn Represents:

Knees and its all parts

Aquarius Represents:

Legs, shin bones, calf of the legs, and ankles

Pisces Represents:

Ankle bones, and knees plus swelling in those parts
Diseases Signified by the Planets

Saturn Represents:

Right ear and hand, deafness, pain bones and teeth, guts, black jaundice, flue, water dripping from lungs

Jupiter Represents:

Lungs, ribs, cartilage, liver, pulse, arteries, ringing in the heart, convulsion, inflammation of the liver, wind in veins and belly, blood corrupt

Mars Represents:

The left era, Gall, reins, private parts , stone, wounds in the face, joint inflammation, burning fevers, yellow Jaundice, fistula, epilepsy,

Sun Represents

The brain, heart, eyesight, right eye of the man, left eye of the woman, cramps, sudden heart trembling, cardiac pain and flue

Venus Represents:

Cancer detection, the Matrix, throat, liver, sperms of men and women, defects in tissues, pissing disease, gonorrhea, no interest in sex, weakness in heart and liver

Mercury Represents:

The brain, spirit, fancy, imagination, speech, tongue, madness, lethargy, stammering, hoarseness, coughs, more in spettle in mouth

Moon Represents:

Left eye of man, right eye of women, small intestines, bladder, taste, menses in women, belly problem, waste collection in any part of the body,
Dear readers, now it easy for you trace out diseases in part of human with the help of birth chart. If you have any problem about astrology knowledge tell me, I will write very informative article on the topic.

The Disease is Short or Long

To check the disease in the horoscope, whether it is short or long for this, check the weather:
How to Find out Sickness in the Birth Chart?
How to Find out Sickness in the Birth Chart?
  1. Winter season diseases become longer
  2. Summer season diseases become shorter
  3. Spring diseases become healthful
  4. Autumn diseases become pernicious and harmful

How to Find out Long or Short Sickness

  1. If the sign of the sixth is fixed as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, the disease is long.
  2. If the sign of the sixth is moveable or cardinal as Aries, Libra,, Cancer and Capricorn, the disease is short.
  3. If the sign of the sixth is common as Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, the disease is neither long nor short but of middle nature.
  4. If the at the sign of sixth he last degrees of any sign is running means that the disease is almost end.
  5. When the Lord of the sixth is of evil nature that the disease is great and will take a long time to cure.
  6. If the Lord of the sixth is of a good nature the disease will cure soon.
  7. When the Lord of the sixth is stronger than the Lord of the Ascendant means that the disease will increase with time.
  8. When Saturn is the Lord of the sixth or is Retrograde in the sixth house and the sign be fixed means that the disease is very long.
Whether the Disease is external or internal; If the Lord of the Ascendant is Mars or Saturn means the Ascendant is inflicted and at the same time if any one of them is the Lord of the second house is means that the disease cause is internal otherwise the disease cause is purely external.
  1. If the Ascendant and the Lord of the house of the Sun are blocked by any other planets especially blocked by Mars or Saturn means the disease in min mind not in body.
  2. If the Ascendant and the Moon be both infortune, the Lord of the Ascendant and the dispositor of the moon free, the disease is in the mind, not in the body.
So the young astrologers must study carefully the whole aspects of the chart and what types of aspects the planets are making with one another.
Check the planets are fortune or infortunate it is most important for the astrologer in checking chart.
First of all, check the position of the moon will tell you’re the current disease nature.
After this check the sign of the sixth house and its Lord, along with check the Ascendant and its Lord.
Check what types of aspects they are making in the chart.
Seventh house will tell you the doctor’s position; young or old, If the seventh house Lord is afflicted by square or opposition or conjunction with Mars or Saturn means the report of the doctor about the disease is wrong. He could not recognize the nature of disease.
Along with it the tenth house will tell you the treatment of the disease and will disclose the medicines for the patient. Each house and planets has a special birth salt due to its deficiency sickness enters into human body.
It is most important to note this point. I have cured hundreds of patients by this process in my practice. You must apply this technique in your practice you will find the best results.
By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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