What can Astrology Teach Us?

Table of Contents

5. Since the ancient times, astrology is known as a royal art. In the ancient times old king and old churches both have astrologers to deal with any important problem of life as war, victory and defeat, illness and for golden child birth.
It is called the heavenly knowledge of the stars in which God glorious works reflects if you ponder over the stars’ movements you will know surely, how wonderfully God’s heavy machinery is hanging over us working for us in the positive ways.
Astrology is the best mentor on earth
Astrology Teach us about Diseases and Professions
All things between heaven and earth are constantly in motion since its creation and producing positive results for humanity. We do not pay attention to it due to falling worldly pursuits. Our soul has broken link with God, the soul running in our body is the words of God that keeps us alive on earth.
Astrology teaches us, our life organs get power from the planets for motions twenty four hours. If there are no planets on earth, we cannot live for a mo on earth. But this secret knows a few own earth.
Every planet plays its important role in building our thoughts, feelings, emotions, character and destiny. It is stars that shape our personality and behavior.
I will discuss turn by turn in which fields astrology may lead and teach us for our bright present, its result is called future. If you think in lone you will it is a blessing of God on earth.
Astrology teaches us many things but I will discuss just two things; your future professions and your diseases in detail so that could select for you the best future profession to earn your bread and butter.
  1. Saturn Man’s Professions

If yours Ascendant ruler is Saturn, and your rising sign is either Capricorn or Aquarius, you will be called Capricorn.

Saturn Type Men’s Quality

I have seen in my life making several horoscopes generally will be husbandman, beggars, laborers, clowns, old man, grandfather, Monks and Secretary.
If someone wants to know the future professions of Saturn men, these professions are fit for them to make their future bright. At any cast Saturn men must follow these professions. It teaches us astrology, and the qualities, given to Saturn men are from the above. God want to do this to server humanity.
Farmers, Miners underground, Potters, Broom makers, Plumbers, Brick makers, Sweepers, Church priest, Gardiners, Black cloth dyers, Shepherds and Cow keepers.
If these men adopt anyone of the professions he or she will be most successful in life. Always adopt any profession according to you birth traits. Against the natural trends doing something mars your future without any doubt.

Saturn Men’s Sicknesses

Astrology teaches the readers; all types of impediments make problems in the right ears, teeth, back to back fever, Leprosies, all types of Rheumatism, Black jaundice…
Hands’ trembling, Hand and foot gouts, Dog hunger, too much flux of the Hemorrhoids,

Saturn Men’s Birth Salt

If your Ascendant ruler is Capricorn and its ruler is Saturn you must use Calc Phos, it is his birth, it makes you safe from al types of diseases. If your Ascendant is Aquarius, its ruler is Saturn, but its salt is Nat Mur, will make you safe from all diseases in life till old age.
  1. Jupiter Man’s Professions

If your Ascendant is Sagittarius or Pisces, your will ruling planet is Jupiter. It is a most important and auspicious planet among all the planets.

Jupiter Man’s General Traits

Jupiter represents Judges, Bishops, priests, Senators, Councilors, Ministers, Civil law judges, Lawyers and more respectable professions all over the world.
All Jupiter men adopt one of the professions not by choice but God wants them to adopt these professions to serve humanity.
On the other hand, Jupiter men fall prey to these diseases. Astrology teaches the readers to avoid these diseases they must take their birth salt at ant cast.
All types of liver problems, all types of left ear problems, lungs’ inflammations, heart problem palpitations more than average, cramps, pain in the backbone, all types of ribs and veins diseases due to corrupt blood.
  1. Martial (Mars) Men’s Professions

Mars is a hot, dry and fiery planet represents anger like embers, Martial men like coal burning in angry mood. Big eyes broad face full terror impressions.

Martial men General Traits

Martial men are fit for fight in war field or in general fight field in routine life. All who love fighting belong to Martial man family since the ancient times.
Astrology teaches those who are Martial man family must join Army, Colonels, Captains or a brave Soldier in the Army to the country in which he or she lives.
Martial men are fit for Physician and Surgeons, Athletes, Gunners, Butchers, Bailiffs, Thief, Smith, Bakers, knives and Swords maker the best all over the world, barbers, Cook and Dyers.

Martial (Mars) Men’s Diseases

Martial men may fall prey to these diseases if they do not pay attention their health since the disease starts…Gall Bladder problems, problems in left ear, Burning Fevers, Migraine, Blisters on the body, Stones in Kidneys and Bladder, Sexual problems, Face hurts by iron,
They must avoid anger and passions both will lead to serious problems medically.
  1. Solar Men’s Professions

The Sun is a hot and dry planet but not hot and parching than Mars. It is a diurnal planet; the eye of day, moon the eye of night.
Astrology teaches us that sweetness in all fruits is due to the Moon and the Sun ripens the fruit in its heat. Without both of the planets the universe is useless if we think.

Quality of the Solar Men

The general quality of solar man is he will be kings, princess, Emperors, Barons, Dukes, Lieutenants, Magistrates, Fond of honor at any cast, Justice…all respected departments fall in the categories of the solar man. Astrology teaches us.
The Sun rises from the East and sets in the West the Sun’s path is fixed like the Solar Man’s determinations are fixed without any doubt. They complete them at any cast in all walks of life, especially in wars.

Solar Men’s Diseases

These diseases may encircle the solar man like pimples on the face, heart trembling and palpitations, all types of brain diseases in the old age, eye sight problem, mouth disease, sinking breath, in the rights problem, in women in the left eyes problem.
  1. Venus Men’s Professions

Venus is most shining star among all the planets, beneficial not dangerous like Mars and Saturn. It is the queen of the sky, written in all heavenly books and the studies reveal the fact without any doubt.

Venus Men’s Traits

Venus people are fond of games, Ministers, Abstract art experts famous in all over the world, Ambassadors, Tailors, and invented new designs, Good wives and good mothers, when Venus join the Moon, a good and expert singer, when joins the Mercury, a good musician, when joins the Mars and good lover on earth.

Venus Men’s Diseases

Venus peoples fall prey to genetic diseases, the diseases in the generation produced organs in males and females, problems in kidneys, small pox and the disease of lust, Hernias and diabetes are their famous diseases.
  1. Mercury Men’s Professions

Mercury is an airy planets but its nature is tricky: if Mercury joins Mars it will turn its nature like Mars, if it will join Saturn it will make hurdles in all matters of written things, if Mercury joins, Venus it will make all matters full of live within days.
Thus its nature is not permanent but situational and tricky like air changes its direction at every step.

Mercury Men’s Professions

 Mercury men become multi talented in all branches of life as Philosophers, Mathematicians, Astrologers, Merchants, Secretaries, State makers, Orators and Advocates.
Money changers, Printers, Designers, Ambassadors, Commissioners, Accountants and all professions in which wisdom is used…

Mercury Men’s Diseases

Mercury men may fall in these diseases sooner or later. That is why, all Mercury men must care for their life organs by eating healthy diets in daily life.
Lumber pains, lethargies, pain in head, madness or any disease that belongs to brain must care about it in daily life. In veins any problem may occur any time.
  1. Lunar Men’s Professions

The moon is a planet of night; cold, moist and phlegmatic and zigzag in its changing directions, gets light from the sun in the night time. Its nature is changing like air.
In the beginning, thin and slowly and slowly becomes think just like the same human matters changes and also diseases change like the Moon’s directions.

Lunar Men’s Professions

Lunar women belong to royal families as I have seen making a lot of horoscopes in my life as queens, princess. In common ladies, they represent travelers, pilgrims, Fisher men , sailors, Wine-sellers, Messengers, fond of wine, changes professions like air very soon. All professions belong to water or liquid belong to lunar men and women.

Lunar Men’s Diseases

All diseases belong belly as wind in it, left side in the body, Bladder-problem and all types of diseases belong the generative organs, Gouts in feet and wrists, Sciatica,
Men get diseases in left side and women get in left side diseases in life as I mentioned above.
To sum up, all men and women must know what is the ruling planet in birth chart? It is most important to control diseases and professions.
If someone wants to know about the ruling planet, I will tell you my readers free of cast just send me your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth with country.
JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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