Is our Soul: The Spy of God in our Body?

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By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrology
42. Is human soul the spy of God or just keeps us live? It is the most important question for all of us. Human soul has been a mystery for men since man’s creation till.
I think that people misunderstood in the past and misunderstood in the present time just due to lack of knowledge.
Most of the people define human soul in different ways but all are assumptions not reality. First time, I will disclose the reality of human soul and how does she work in human body?

Three Types of Souls Working in Human Body

Before understanding about soul, we must know, what is man and how man’s machinery works in body?
Human body is a mixture of three things: Earth, Spirit and Soul. Human body is made of earth; spirit comes from the planets; soul is the decree of God in human body working as the spy of God in the body.
Soul enters into the body through brain, lives in heart, sees through eyes and is the slave of free will.
All inventions on earth are due to the power of human soul, not due to the power of human mind. They are just helping tools of human soul and nothing else.
You must also know this formula that all superior things control all inferior things on earth and in heaven.
If you want to control all, make self superior to all on earth.
Always superior things are kept on the top level to control the inferior  elements on earth.
In human body works three types of machines: Electrical machinery, Chemical machinery and mechanical machinery.
Human brain works at electrical level, our life organs work at chemical level and our body works at mechanical level. In you think in lone, you will find the secret.
In all things the decree of God is working at different levels with a solid cause. Some causes are secret; written in codes and some causes are open for all of us.
Is our Soul the Spy of God in our Body?
Is our Soul the Spy of God in our Body?

How Soul Works as a spy in Body?

Three types of souls work in human body, high, middle and low. Those who enjoy low soul just they eat, drink and merry.
Those who enjoy middle soul only they think what soul is but fake and false knowledge misguide them.
Those who enjoy higher level of soul know fully the nature of soul and planets’ rays answer them.
Moon controls the Ebb and flow of human emotions.  Mercury answers and controls higher level of wits. Venus controls all types of sexual ebb and flow in human body.
Mars controls angers and angry moods.  Sun controls vital spirit in body Jupiter controls and answers all natural causes. Saturn controls our receptive forces
Free Will is the property of human soul. It performs its function at pleasure joining the higher intellect. Higher Will shows the way to higher intellect as the sun to human eye.
Without a higher Will none can do anything on earth. Without it we all are blind.
Our soul answers to earth by the senses, to water by imaginations, to Air by reason, to Heaven by intellect when soul becomes happy and harmonious to the above.
Human soul has a direct link with Supreme Power. Human soul guides Mind, Reason and Imagination in practical life.
Like soul mind is pure and divine. religious love inflames it naturally. Love adorns it. Faith directs it.
Human soul naturally adorns truth and receives it happily.
Wisdom prolongs life and emotions curtail life on earth. Wisdom is an essential part of human soul but a few know it well.
When any newly born baby comes on earth he has a direct link with the godly soul.
Thus God knows all about our deeds hidden or open. Human soul writes our deeds in codes, not known to anyone on earth.
Human soul is the spy of God in our body if it leaves us, we die and go to dust, soul goes to heaven.
God is the first cause and creator of all things. Planets are the second cause directs human soul and other earthly things even our life organs are directed by the planets rays.

How Soul Informs God

When we plan to do something, we tame our soul through free will and soul lives in free will, it anon informs God about our deeds what we are going to do something right or wrong. Thus God knows human deeds anon.
Now it God’s will to change your plan or not. Our soul performs good deeds because it is directly linked with the godly soul. We do them with the will of God.
Intelligence is a pure thing, free from all gross, lives in mind in shape of imaginations, directed by God directly in men on earth.
All inventions that appear in our imaginations is the tongue of the angels that guide us in different ways, as in sleep or in dreams for the sake of humanity benefits.
Man was created after the image of God that is why; the godly soul is working in man as the spy of God since our creation.
Mind, reason and imagination are the properties of human soul, and human soul is the property of Free Will, is directed to God.
Any deed; good or bad, may not be done without intention on earth. Before doing any bad deed, divine help or Free Will leaves us at once in the lurch.
When we do bad deeds daily our mind, reason and imagination pollute godly soul leaves us.
Thus our life organs do not receive signals from the planets for daily activities. We fall prey to illness.
When we reject universal truth, actually we deceive ourselves in reality. For example;
If we think that God is not present, it does not mean that God is actually not present, it is our thinking that God is not present.
Soul works as a spy in human body that is why, it keeps us alive, when it leaves us we die and our soul goes back to heaven with our deeds’ record.
In this matter, human belief does not work, fact is a fact, our belief cannot change the reality, if we think so, and we deceive our self in reality.
We must harmonize our soul to the godly. It is the right way, shown by the prophets, sent to men by God on earth.
All miracles on earth are due to the power of human soul, not due to the power of human mind and reason.
Mind, reason, imagination, Free Will are the properties of human soul, but most of the people do not know it because it was kept secret from human being.
The wonders of human soul were introduced in all countries in ancient ages and also in modern age in the name of magic; sometimes black magic just to deceive peoples of the whole world.
Ancient priests did this job because before the concept of government priests used to rule in all countries. Islam appeared on earth just one thousand and five hundred years ago but it is the game of thousands of thousands years ago.
Is our Soul the Spy of God in our Body?
Is our Soul the Spy of God in our Body?
Human soul is directly linked with our Faith. If our faith is weak in God,  our soul will be very weak.
We will fall prey to different types of diseases.
The soul that is not harmonized with the godly soul is called an ill soul. It becomes a pool of stagnant water in human body.
Our souls smells evil from our intention. Such souls are called evil souls on earth, injurious to humanity and self.
To spend a healthy and good life, first of all, purify your soul with a good intention. If you do this, your soul will harmonize with godly soul on earth.
Thus you may perform miracles on earth for lay men. Man is here for a special purpose.
The purpose is to reform the world with good deeds, not to harm the world with bad deeds.
What I have said in pain words, someday think in lone you will find the sect of human soul and its wonders.

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