Moon the Indicator of Diseases in the Birth Chart! (Part 1)

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The Moon with Saturn: The Killer Planet

33. As we all know the importance of the Moon in life and in the universe. Its role is very important in human life. The ocean rides and waves are controlled by the Moon.
It is called the Lady of the Night. Sweetness in all fruits is infused by the Moon. Women’s menses cycle is also controlled by the Moon.
The moon is the seconds telling needle of God, the Sun is the minutes telling needle of God and other planets tell hours in the heavenly time.
In human body the Moon controls our emotions, instinct, imaginations and our body’s all types of fluids.
In which sign the Moon will be in the birth chart it will indicate specific diseases in human body.
Its aspects with other planets are most important in the birth chart that is why the Moon position must be checked carefully in any birth chart.
It will decode many new mysteries about the diseases and the nature of diseases.
 I will discuss here when the Moon crosses the twelve signs one by one what types of aspects the Moon makes, along with it what type of effects it leaves on the human body in guise of diseases.
Moon the Indicator of Diseases in the Birth Chart! (Part 1)
Moon the Indicator of Diseases in the Birth Chart! (Part 1)

The moon’s Diseases Indications

The Moon in Aries with Saturn

When the moon enters into the first sign Aries, at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes a square, a opposition or a conjunction with Saturn means that…
  1. The situation will produces headache, heaviness in head, ringing in the ears, will make sleepy and heavy eyes, solid fluid from the head will fall down to the our nose, wind pipe and throat,
  2. Pulse will be weak and drowsiness in mind will be, stomach will be heavy and jam, cold will catch you and night will be tough than day in such condition.
  3. Body will be full of sweat and perspirations,
  4. In such condition if the good planets do not support the patient as Jupiter and Venus the sick will die.

The Moon in Taurus with Saturn

When the moon enters into the second sign Taurus, at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes a square, a opposition or a conjunction with Saturn means that…
  1. Fever due to bodily obstruction and problems in arteries and cardiac muscles, pulse high, air in some body parts due to un- cleaning of the lungs, liver and lungs in problems due to gathering water in it or other waste in liquid shape.
If the good aspects of Jupiter and Venus do not support the patient, the will expire within fourteen days.
If the Moon makes some good aspects with other planets , luckily the sick will recover on the ground of medicines that will expel waste from his lungs and liver.

The Moon in Gemini with Saturn

When the moon enters into the third sign Gemini, at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes a square, a opposition or a conjunction with Saturn means that…
These aspects create weariness in mind due to over burdening of the domestic affairs, or due to over exercise the man will fall ill, pain will create in arteries and joints with these aspects without any doubt.
I have found in my practice the in such condition the vital parts are afflicted by Saturn, the pulse rate very weak, more sweating on body, it means the spleen is upset and the disease increases at night, not in day time…
If Mars at the same time with Saturn afflicted the Moon, the sick will die within ten days. In my practice I have observed.
If the at the same time Jupiter and Venus favor the sick, the sick will recover after a long time surely.

The Moon in Cancer with Saturn

When the moon enters into the fourth sign Cancer, at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes a square, a opposition or a conjunction with Saturn means that…
In such condition chest becomes jam with cold and coughs very tightly. From eyes and nose water releasing too much, hoarseness, wind pipe narrow with fever.
At the same time starts belly ache, kidneys weak, private parts upset. If the Moon is decreasing near Saturn, the sick will live but if the Lord of the Ascendant is blocked by the Lord of the eighth house, means the sick will have a little hope to live.

The Moon in Leo with Saturn

When the moon enters into the fifth sign Leo, at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes a square, a opposition or a conjunction with Saturn means that…
In such condition, the sickness will start with corrupt blood circulation, the sick will feel more heat in breasts, heart will affect with fever, pulse will be weak, internal and external heat will increase very soon.
Heat failing condition will be, in such condition the sick will be in danger due to black jaundice, in such condition if Jupiter and Venus makes trine or sextile or the conjunction of Jupiter, the sick many times does not die.

The Moon in Virgo with Saturn

When the moon enters into the sixth sign Virgo, at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes a square, a opposition or a conjunction with Saturn means that…
In such condition the disease starts with the problem or blockage in stomach, ribs will also upset due to shivering with fever, at the same time starts wind colic pain, pain in thighs and feet.
Heat leaves human body, air enters into it thus fever starts very high, thus the disease take a long time to recover when Virgo in earthly sign and Saturn is slow.

The Moon in Libra with Saturn

When the moon enters into the seventh sign Libra, at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes a square, a opposition or a conjunction with Saturn means that…
In such condition disease enters into body due to eating too much meat that not digest, overdrinking and over drinking. Brest and head in problem, appetite end, loathing in stomach, watery discharge and hoarseness.
 Joint pain in thighs and knees with itching I have seen this disease in the horoscope with the Moon aspects with Saturn.
Moon the Indicator of Diseases in the Birth Chart! (Part 1)
Moon the Indicator of Diseases in the Birth Chart! (Part 1)

The Moon in Scorpio with Saturn

When the moon enters into the eighth sign Scorpio, at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes a square, a opposition or a conjunction with Saturn means that…
In such condition disease enters into Arse hole and appears ulcer, pile or fistula in Arse hole. Along with it a stone is detected in bladder, swelling in knees and legs/ In women too much menses come without retention.

The Moon in Sagittarius with Saturn

When the moon enters into the ninth sign Sagittarius, at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes a square, a opposition or a conjunction with Saturn means that…
In such condition a big problem appears in arteries and joints, fever starts at the same time. I have seen in my practice that the conjunction starts disease and corrupts blood thus in the whole body disease spreads easily.
The opposition of the Moon and Saturn creates joints pain and swelling in hands, thighs and feet.

The Moon in Capricorn with Saturn

When the moon enters into the tenth sign Capricorn, at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes a square, a opposition or a conjunction with Saturn means that…
In such condition heaviness in Brest and stomach starts due to cold, difficult breath and cough starts at the same time and with fever in night time the sick party complaints in head ache and in the left ear.

The Moon in Aquarius with Saturn

When the moon enters into the eleventh sign Aquarius, at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes a square, a opposition or a conjunction with Saturn means that…
In such condition disease starts with too much labor, heaviness in mind and body starts, sleep leaves, no enjoyment in life leads to disease.
Along with it a noise in the head starts, heart beat fats, passions more and violent. Sore throat starts with suffocation.

The Moon in Pisces with Saturn

When the moon enters into the twelfth sign Pisces, at the time of birth or at the time of asking any horary question, the Moon makes a square, a opposition or a conjunction with Saturn means that…
In such condition continuous fever starts pricking and shooting under the breasts. Heart problem starts along with it.  It starts with cold then fever after this chest full of phlegm.
I have discussed all twelve signs and the Moon travel in all signs one by one I hope that the readers will find my effort helpful in your astrological practice.
By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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