How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)

Table of Contents

28. We all have heard and read many fabricated stories about the creation of man but the facts the writers or the story tellers hide are most shocking, eye opener and interesting for the readers when they will read first the real story of man’s creation in simple words with solid arguments.

Man was not created by God’s Hands

It is an authentic fact that man was not made by God’s hands, if it is a fact, God’s being is sure while God is just a light as written in the holy books. God made man with his own hand-theory is entirely wrong and false.

Man’s Creation by Evolution

The history of man’s creation is evolutionary not revolutionary. Man was created by sea dried mud and water and flourished like other animal and insects. The birth process of man and animal are the same, evolutionary.

Facts about Man’s Creation

  1. Man’s creative process was started with sea dried mud like other animals after this man was molded to create a balance in his body parts. At this point, God infused His soul into his heart.
  2. After this process, mad were allotted five senses, hearing power and gave a heart to think on the objects of nature and your being in loneliness.
  3. God says that a few use the power of senses, the power of hearing and the power thinking.

Universal Facts about Man

  1. The first source of getting knowledge is senses
  2. It is due to intelligence or thinking power
  3. It is only a human trait
  4. On it there is no other partner from the universe

Present and Past Myth about the Creation of Man

About the creation of man many stories are roaming in man’s mind, all are artificial or fabricated stories. There is no reality in it. In all holy books God has used codes to guide men on earth in all directions but a few decodes the codes written in holy books in guise of words, words and words.
God has awarded us, eyes to see, ears to listen and heart to think. These three things make men a super human being. But eyes heart and senses have all animals, beats and birds.
The ability to understand words is the trait of only men, not awarded to any other creatures on earth. This trait makes men pure super human being because the message of God is written in words therefore God gives the power to understand words and its true meanings.

How the First Man was created?

Modern and ancient man has been thinking about how the first man was designed. When modern men started thinking about te whole earthly creation they come to know that everything was created by water and mud.
Thus man travelled billions of years to be a live being with senses, ears, eyes and heart after this came to the position that he could creation his races by intercourse. These are the facts told by the western scientists and thinkers are undeniable.

The Method of God in the Creation of Man

Just like the seed of a tree takes a long time and some take a short time to be a tree with flowers, fruits, stems, leaves and roots, but the process of all schemes are kept secret by God by the eyes of man.
In mothers’ womb child growth process is kept secret from man’s eyes. Therefore God says in holy Quran informing man he created man with mud.

Figure 1

Here God says that he created man with in the beginning, man must know this point. After this God says that God made prominent man’s being like a sprout from the earth.
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
First in his creation water was used just lie a tree after this he made man prominent from earth like a sprout.
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
We are on earth for a short time, but we think that we will live here forever is our wrong thinking. We must pay attention to it as soon as possible.
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
God said that we created man with the gist of clay or the last product of earth we get compost from organic food the last product, we cannot find in it what we have missed in it.
Man opened his eyes in the depth of sea modern science has proved it as Quran told us one thousand and four hundred years ago. God says in Quran that we created man with water and clay but unwise of today says that man was made of clay by the hands of God.
After this God infused into his body Godly soul and made him prominent from other creatures on earth. Do you see that what Quran says and the Mullas and priests say?
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
God says that man sees but does not use his wisdom, senses, ears and eyes in the universe.
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
Teen is said the clay or mud of sea or the dried pond. When the mud dried turn black is called Teen in Arabic language. We may call it compost just like organic fertilizer.
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
Creating man from the extract of water and sticky clay that sounded like pottery after this God separated male from female and thus the process of creation started by intercourse.
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
From here God made pair in all creatures: male and female to produce races to live on earth for a short time. We do not pay attention to the words, said by God in Quran describes the whole truth and pure truth, proven by the modern science. Man has crossed many stages since his creation but man has forgotten all coming into being.
Godly Soul Running in Man’s Blood
After creating man in the finest shape, at the end God infused His godly soul into man’s body that lives in heart and circulates through blood in the whole body’s parts. In this respect all men must be respected on earth; be great or small.
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
How Man was created by God? The Hidden Facts (Part One)
Infused soul awaked man’s all senses and man started thinking, hearing and seeing in the whole universe with wonder because he was all alone on earth.

What is Godly Soul?

Godly soul was not the part of God’s Being but a special battery was installed into man’s body for a long time to run the body. What we got from the godly soul: three things, the power of sight, the power of hearing and the power of thinking means a heart is give to think.
Thus God made man prominent from other creatures on earth. In the broader sense man is a vibration machine that gets vibration from the above.
Eyes see, ears listen to all and man’s heart decide what to do pondering over the collected information by eyes and sight. These are two ways to collect pieces of information on different topics.
Coming into being on earth, God allotted him free will to do something wrong or right. For ma’s guideline God sent prophets to show him the right way.

What is Free Will?

Free Will is a most important element, awarded by God to man on earth that makes man prominent from all earthly creatures. Along with it God put in his soul another element of making evolution with the passage of time.
When the western scientists proved that the theory of Quran is right man was revolutionized to reach the present state. Today’s wonders and the past wonders are due to free will, a special element in human soul.
The soul that God infused in human is called Human Ego, in Arabic Human Zaat. In philosophical term it is called Supernatural Power. We must improve our free will power to the right direction, not to the wrong direction.
This free will power shrinks and expands with time and our thinking process.  When God says that man is going to loss here and there means that man is not using his free will power to the right direction, but to the wrong direction.

Man Misunderstood Man’s Creation

When man started thinking about the creation of man, he was trapped by Mullas’ and Priests’ fabricated stories and went to the wrong direction still going to the wrong direction knowingly just to befool the peoples of the world.
Today’s man lost his free will power and has become the slave of passions and praise. The aim of free will was to research the whole universe and first of all search your own being, a lot of signs of God’s creation are in man’s body that speaks to men but a few know it.
Free will means to accept the right things after searching all the universes. Free Will demands research to accept any type of theory that is proved true in search.
Those who lose free will power are not intelligent but fools on earth deceiving his being, going to destruction here and there. Those who neither believe in death nor in God, nor in holy books, they are also dying daily.

To be continued Part Two

By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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