How to Handle Stress and Its Solution?

Table of Contents

26. People have made stress prominent as a disease all over the world, propagated by International Health Organization through media with the help of beautiful models.
Just as blood pressure ratio was propagated by International Heart Organization in sixties. I remember very well that the normal blood pressure ratio was 180 by 160. The world was running well. Nothing was wrong with the people.
With the passage of time, again it was propagated that the normal blood pressure ratio is 160 by 140.The peoples were happy and lining well. Nothing was wrong with peoples.
After this again it was propagated that the normal ratio of blood [is 140 by 120, people were happily living with family and friends at home and out of home.
Again it was propagated that the normal ratio of blood pressure is 120 by 90, but at this stage the propagandists introduce a new problem for peoples is called “STRESS” in modern age.

What is Stress?

“Stress is a self made problem, not a disease,

propagated by the clever for fools.” (JH Sayyar)

How to Handle Stress and Its Solution?
How to Handle Stress and Its Solution?

The Real Cause of Stress

The real cause of stress is to think against your own will and wishes and try to follow them practically watching others. In the broader sense,

“Stress is a mental state in which men realize mentally upset

finding no solution of the present situation.” (JH Sayyar)

I observe that in the modern age everybody is living under stress at home and out of home be men and women, rich and poor. What is this? The poor has fallen prey to inferiority complex due to lack of money, while the rich are under stress due to a lot of money.

Why our Body Produces Stress?

Thousands of unknown systems are working in human just like the same as working in space. There is no doubt in it that man is a microcosm and the universe is macrocosm as written in all holy books.
What we think, what we do, what we feel, what we plan, what we say. Behind each human action a special body system works secretly with the order of human nervous box, fixed in our brain and heart.
The doctors will tell during the stress adrenaline glands works and is the cause of stress but it is a false statement to befool the peoples of the whole world. Those who say this are making fool themselves.
For example; water is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen when we drink water, the body system activates anon to separate oxygen from the water for blood supply.
But this system is not known to everybody even in modern age. Thus thousands of systems are working in our body. Think why are these systems are in working order since men’s creation? It is a most important question for all of us.

Kinds of Disease

There are three kinds of diseases; internal disease, external disease and nervous system disease. Beside life organs disease all diseases are called physical disease or external disease. When a disease attacks life organs is called internal disease.
By when any disease attacks nervous box system is called disease in nervous box system as headache, migraine, stress and anxiety.
The doctors say that adrenal gland releases stress hormones behind the neck. When thyroid attach the throat, what does it mean? It simply means minerals’ deficiency and nothing else.
Disappointment is the main cause of migraine, stress and anxiety. Man is not a blend of of just physical and soul but in it works free will and limitless desires dying and alive running and blocked.
How to Handle Stress and Its Solution?
How to Handle Stress and Its Solution?

Causes of Stress

Revenge is the main cause of stress because from revenge springs eleven passions of mind…anger, love, hatred, desire, horror, joy, grief, hope, despair, boldness and fear.
None can see all these because these are the passions of mind. Mind, reason and imagination are the properties of human soul. If we cannot see soul how can we see its passions but all may realized by the man self.
If anyone falls prey to stress, anxiety or migraine it is sure that the man has fallen prey to anyone of the above mentioned diseases.
For example, a man is feeling severe headache due to lack of heavy money the next day to pay. In such condition, how can the tablets may kill his headache?
No, give him the required money the headache will run away automatically from your head.
The other example, all the cars or motorbike stop working, but the cause of the stopping will not be the same. Just like when a man feels headache, stress, anxiety and migraine, the causes will be different surely.
When anyone of the causes touches the peak the man goes drunk or mad surely. In such condition I have seen the patients of brain hemorrhage.
It is the disease just due to the defect in nervous system. Human nervous system rests on our thoughts, feelings and emotions, these are the properties of imaginations, not of mind, not of reason, not of intellect.

How to Handle the Stress?

When anyone feels stress so he must first of all check, he is not in the state of revenge, consciously or unconsciously, because from revenge springs eleven passions are these anger, love, hatred, desire, horror, joy, grief, hope, despair, boldness and fear.
In which fear is the most dangerous for human brain. Its reason is this, fear is not as dangerous as the fear we create self in our brain in fearful condition.
For example, If you ate caught with a girl kissing out of home and somebody sees you in such condition, different types of images will float on your mind screen that will create horror in your mind.
In such condition, your mind will stop thinking, you will forget what to? From here starts stress starts attacking our nervous system. We feel stress.
Finding you in such condition, anon accept the condition and situation, start finding its possible solutions. Your stress will leave you at once.
In such condition, to lines of thoughts start working in our brain; a negative thought and a positive thought, always follow your positive thought, discard the negative thought. You will feel relax surely.
In whole life men swing in between the two conditions; hope and disappoint. Behind hope is disappointment and behind disappointment is hope. The whole both play hide and seek with all me.
But both are mirage. In between the two conditions try to find out what is the reality? Do not follow false and false assumptions.
For example, if we suppose, all cows stop milking, or God stop birth process, both are false assumptions, those who raise such types of example are fools and make others fool with the false assumptions.
All the natural phenomena may not be quoted negatively is a law of nature.
Always improve your positive thinking power to lead a happy life, think positively and act positively in life will never feel any type of nervous problem in life.

Warning of Nervous System

Our nervous system control our whole body even our actions and thoughts, feelings n emotions but unknowingly. If we feel pain in the heart means, our nervous system informs us there is a problem in your heart. We must pay attention to our heart at once.
Thus human nervous system warns us at every step but we all ignore the warnings. Thyroid gland problem means calcium deficiency in our body but fools call it a throat disease.
Heart attack means calcium deficiency less than 10 % in our arteries and against it Cadmium and Lead both are poison gather in our heart causes heart attack. Fools call it a disease of heart. What non sense thinking.
How to Handle Stress and Its Solution?
How to Handle Stress and Its Solution?

Our Nervous System Language

As computer understands the language the operator feeds in it is not the language we speak or write on the computer screen. The same system is installed in our nervous system it understands the codes that God has fed in our nervous system, not the language we speak in daily routine.
For example, when somebody thinks that he feels pan, anxiety, stress or migraine, and you say others that you are feeling stress surely. The nervous system does not understand your words but it understands your thinking of feeling stress.
It anon releases the stress hormones by the help of adrenal glands situated at the top part of our kidneys, thus you feel stress in our brain because you send the message to the stress hormones to increase your stress.
Here stay and think, who ordered the stress hormones to increase our stress, we ourselves order unconsciously. Thus we all fall prey to stress on our brain.
Therefore it is said that intentions brings fruit, when think negatively our nervous system anon acts upon it and activates our negative actions leading us to destruction mentally and physically.

Stress Removing Cause

The main cause of stress removing is to change your negative thinking into a positive thinking anon stress will finish. For example when we go to doctor and the doctor gives you some medicines to eat, actually the doctor turns your negative thinking into a positive thinking by the sign of medicines and nothing else important in this matter of stress.
To sum up, the productions all over the world is the production of our thinning. For example, we want to grow a tree in our garden, it is our intention, not of God, and Sow the seed of the tree, the laws of nature will flourish your tree.
All laws oj nature follow men’s intention and bring its fruit negative or positive. We must think that want we want from the laws of nature, negative fruits or positive fruits of our actions on earth and in heaven.
By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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