How to Earn Money Online?

Table of Contents

25. Earning online has become a hot trend all over the world. I think that in future most of the peoples will earn online sitting at home. It is a good thinking for all of us.
Earning on internet is called digital marketing but at internet some are earning more, some are earning less and some are wasting time due to knowing not the art of earning money online. Earning money online is an art not know to all.

Degree Earning versus Online Earning

As you know peoples get higher education in the field of MBA, MBBS, BDS, D Pharmacy and other field of professional degrees. Have you thought ever in lone why some peoples earn more and some none from their professional degrees?

Earning Online: An Art

Earning online is an art not fun. Getting educational degree are on the basis of hard working but earning from the degrees us an art, not known to all.
First of all you must learn the art of earning after this you must learn the art of how to apply it in practical field.

Online Earning Methods

There are many ways to earn online as at Fiverr, at Upwork, You Tube, Google Ad Sense, Amazon, Digital Marketing, Shutterstock, Face Book…
How to Earn Money Online?
How to Earn Money Online?
Beside all, there are many other ways to earn. Think they are earning from these platforms. What is special in them who are earning online, that is not in you.
I have earned a lot of money from offering my astrology services and heart diseases services. It is just opening a shop at internet. Clients buy for your services and pay you for it.
Think if you know nothing, how can you earn at internet? No and impossible. If you join what you will sell there? What is the skill you will offer at Fiverr?

Essentials Tools for Earning Online

Bucks are earned from foreign countries; 1. For it you must know English language to talk with foreigners, 2. You must know any skill to sell on internet, 3. If you are selling goods you must have goods in stock in your store, 5. You must know the art of how to sell them on internet?

What are sold in Marts?

There are four products that are sold all over the world. 1. Physical Labor, 2. Mind Labor, 3. Factory made or home made Products, 4. Cute Bodies in all Marts of the world.
99 % persons sell goods at internet and ten per cent sell mind labor at internet. What you will sell, you must decide. First create skill then sell in market you will earn.
Those who say that we earn daily hundreds of dollars, check what they sell, products or mind labor, you will know the secret.

Success in Life Formula

How to Earn Money Online?
How to Earn Money Online?

To get success in any branch of life formula is: 40 % Hard Work + 40 % Honesty + 20 % Skill.

It is formula told by the successful men of the world in their books. They call it the key to success in life. If you are hard worker and your skill is the best but you cannot get success in life due to be dishonest.
Twenty per cent skill works in success but people forget the honesty that is the root of success in life. Just like the same write articles on your sites but honestly, informative and original so that peoples could get benefits from your articles.
I have seen the written articles deplete with copied and cheated materials the readers dislike such types of writings, especially the native whose native tongue is English.

Earning Online Money and False Propaganda

I have seen advertisements making cute girls saying earn 1000 bucks daily online is a false propaganda just befool the watchers. You are watching their videos and they are earning by increasing watch time.
While on the other hand, you are wasting your precious time in watching the false propagandized videos on face book and You Tube. Beware of such Ads on internet.

For Earning Dollars what to Sell

Dear readers, there are just things that earn money online or off line in all Marts of the world: Physical labor and mental labor. People sell their self made products or others’ made products as a servants and call it earning money online. On the other hand, peoples sell cute bodies as product and earn a lot of money online and off line.

To Earn Money Skill: Most Important

The readers who are reading the article are doing some job or own business. Give products and get money is the formula of earning money. Even the beggars give precious time to earn money. When someone gives him money as charity he in return gives payers in sweet words.
The beggars know how get from the pocket of the others. It is a also a skill. Ponder over it; in every business to earning money the skill is most important.

Earning Online Watching Videos: A fraud

I have seen many videos online and earn money is a fraud with the readers. The technique they are telling that they do not apply selves to earn money online. They are just motivating the watchers to this video so that they could increase their watch time on face boon or you tube.

Luck versus Online Money

The clever has misinterpreted the word Luck in books and in practical life. If you say that Bill Gates or Elon Musk, or Rock Child all are lucky.
Listen to the lectures of the world famous peoples that they say did hard in the past and today they are also doing the same job even to be the richest men.
Some people assign luck to God, they fools on earth. Think, a prostitute is earning thousands of dollars daily by selling her chastity or body, it is God’s blessing on her or God wants to do to get money?

Without a Skill Online Earning; a Mouse Trap

Those who say earn without money are fools and making you fools and a mouse trap for you. Think in loneliness, those who say this, know the art of befooling others practically. They are doing the job honestly and skillfully on you tube and face book just to increase the watch time.
I say that think, think and think what to do to earn money online or off line. Improve your skill as a professional you will get money and fame. Without hard work and skill earning money is a day dream that is seen by the fools.
How to Earn Money Online?
How to Earn Money Online?

My Advice to the Readers

I advise my humble and respected readers to analyze what types of abilities and capabilities God has awarded you at your birth. Think why do you not unitize them practically?
God has given you free abilities to earn your bread and butter plus to serve humanity. We are following others have different qualities and abilities than you, so how can you follow them in practical field?

You versus Others

Brothers, think, if Elon Musk or Bill Gates starts making Ads on face book or you tube, earn money by making window’s software or Elon Musk’s Space X program. Can we do this job without learning the art of window making program. You have different than others, and others are different than you. How on can compare than other practically?

Know yourself in Solitude

First know yourself means try to know your birth traits and follow them in practical field you will earn a lot more than others.
Do not follow others, follow your own think. The scientists do not ask others what to invent they just invent what they want. They do not follow others but they follow their own abilities and birth trends.

How God Help Us?

First make a sketch in your brain what to do and how to do? After this when your paper work program is finished, then come to the step of money to spend on it and where the money is to get?
From here starts God’ help for you. Watching you’re a strong intent God arrange for you a lot of money. I tell you a secret about girls. Read it carefully and apply it in practical field. It will work in all branches of life.

“A Girl Traps her Lover by her

Strong Will-Power, not by her Beauty.”

                                         JH Sayyar

The more desire you have for anything, the sooner the thing will come in your grip is an authentic law of nature. Mostly peoples do not know this art.
To sum up, increase your knowledge, English and skill to earn money online and off line. There is no shortcut of earning wealth in life practically.
Those who say earn money without a skill are fools and making you fools. Do not watch such types of videos on face book or you tube. If you do this job, you are making strong others and weakening self practically.
What I have written in words is my personal experience. The skill you know improve it in a new way as a scientist or inventor. You will get success in all branches of life very soon. I pray for my all readers to God. God may give success to all my humble readers in life.
By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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