What are Fate, Destiny and Luck?

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23. I am sure that 99 % peoples do not know what is the exact meaning and philosophy of Fate, Destiny and Luck? Two words are widely misinterpreted all over the world knowingly or unknowingly: Religion and Fate.
Both the words’ meaning and philosophy have been changed since the creation of man. When I and my readers were children that we read God has written our fate before birth now here what we do all are preplanned. To support this statement, famous authors and holy books are quoted.
Thomas Hardy wrote his famous novel: The Return of the Native, on fate and luck in which chances play a most important role. Beside, William Shakespeare also wrote on fate and chance in most of his plays.
But none could understand what is fate and its true philosophy? In 2000 I started making research on fate, destiny and luck and after five years’ research I came could understand the meaning and philosophy of fate?
First I got the knowledge of philosophy, holy books and professional astrology. I have been working since 2000 on internet as a professional astrologer. I want to share what I have understood about fate to my readers.
The knowledge I will share with my readers, neither they read nor will read in future. If anyone understands what is fate, his life will change automatically. He will get progress by leaps and bounds in all walks of life.
What are Fate, Destiny and Luck?
What are Fate, Destiny and Luck?

 Nothing is written in Fate by God!

The readers must understand that when a baby is born he or she gets some traits in his soul at birth by God free of cast to earn his or her livelihood.
All the traits become in raw shape, as raw materials of anything or something as we get from earth and mountains. Get the raw material we purify the materials then we give it the shape what the makers wants.
As a dog is trained just like the same birth traits are trained as we want. The more someone trains his birth traits, the brighter will be his present and its result is called future.
Everybody had gets different traits at birth, entirely different than others, even different from brothers, sister and also parents we all know this reality.

No Fate or Taqdeer of Man

We all must understand that there is no pre written fate of man on earth, even the prophets are not free from it.
Fate is used in English speaking word and Taqdeer is used in the Muslims world. Fate or Taqdeer means the measurement of God for each object of nature for its growth and devilment on earth. Not in heaven.
The word Taqdeer is used or natural objects not for man. Man and natural objects are born with some universal traits that are called birth traits.
A Cherry seed has some traits in its seed for growth and development but for its development: mud atmosphere, water and air are most important factors. If we sow seeds and ignore any one of the factors the seed traits will waste. The seed will not bear fruits, stem, leaves and it fruits.
Just like the same men are born with some universal traits, given at birth. Some peoples use the best use of their traits in practical field and get progress in life while do not misuse of the birth traits in life and get retreat in all walks of life.
When someone does not use his or her birth potential and faces many a difficulties in life and lose courage, at the end what the result is called human fate in the world of illiteracy.

Challenges versus Birth Potential

When God wants to make any man prominent on earth He stands challenges before him or her, think, why? Just to compare his birth potential with the challenge how much birth potential someone has improved to meet the challenge.
If he or she accepts the challenge and beat the challenges God declares him or her winner and he or she is promoted for the next challenge in life.
A coward avoids challenges but a brave accept challenges. From here fate starts supporting the brave in guise of fame, success, wealth and health even in all walks of life is the secret of nature about human fate.

Human Lot and Luck

The seed of human luck is hidden in lot of birth traits, the lot seed is hidden in challenges, the challenges make human character and the character constitutes human destiny. It is series of events in human life.
Those who predict human luck or lot are fools on earth. A seed is equal to raw human birth traits, the seed potential for growth is equal to human trained birth traits,  to grow the seed atmosphere is equal to human atmosphere he or she find at the time of birth.
As we cannot chose our parents just like we cannot choose our birth traits because these are allotted to each separately at birth by God.
What the birth potential some gets from God, we all have to improve it on earth to make our future bright or dark as we wish. When we fail in improving our birth traits in practical life we call it our fate in a non sense term.

Fate and Failure in Daily Life

Fate and failure both play a game Hid and Seek in daily. In this game 99 % peoples lose the game only ten per cent wins the game from Fate.
We all must keep in mind, human lot may not stay in corporeal nature, it is the matter of beyond the nature, supported by God from the heaven for earthly creature.
Celestial intelligence fixes our destiny and fate on earth watching our daily deeds. If we make good deeds for others, celestial intelligence awards us with extra blessings more than we think.
The birth traits that we get at our birth rest on the virtue of soul that has a supreme power to drive human lot on earth. But a few know this secret.
What are Fate, Destiny and Luck?
What are Fate, Destiny and Luck?

Lots and human Mind’s Tussle

Lots are not directed by human mind but are directed by the power of human soul. Therefore there has been a tussle between lots and human minds since the creation of man.
When someone’s power of soul will be strong, lots are drawn to it automatically. There becomes a tussle between lot and human passions in mind unseen even to the person.
A composed mind attracts lot silently by the power of soul. Keep in mind; lots are placed in casting of Cocktails. The matter of lots is beyond our understanding.
The lot that earthly man calls it luck is the flourishing of birth traits in any special field.
Lot is not directed by man min mind but it is directed by the spirits that control our corporeal frame from the above.
We cannot say that the flying bee to which direction she will fly after fly, none can tell, but we can tell seeing any man’s actions what he or she will do in the coming days.
It is not luck but the manifestation of birth traits in daily life and its improvement how we have done.

Religion and Lots

On earth there are working two types of religions; shadow religion and Divine religion. There is no practical shape on earth of Divine religion are saved in holy books and is kept at homes just hug and kiss it with respect.
Mulla’s and Priests’ religion is working on earth and its result we see in daily life; horrible, dangerous and hopeless practically in all societies.
It is the Mulla’s and Priests’ religion that has changed the face of lot, luck, fate and destiny.
In all holy books are written that telling a lie is a serious sin but we all tell a lie eve Mullas and Priests. God goes not like evil on earth but all spread evil on earth.
Today we are facing a lot financial difficulties but fake religion calls it human lot, written from the above in your lot. What a non sense thinking Mullas and Priests are spreading among men on earth in all countries.
To sum up, there is no mention of human lots in any holy books and those who predict human lost are fools on earth. The men who follow them are also fool.
Try to know your birth traits by the help of any expert astrologer, and flourish it with whole hearts, your bright lots will shine on you like a twinkling star in the sky.
There is no shortcut of luck or fate on earth to be rich but apply your trained birth traits in practical field and get name, fame and wealth in life to lead a happy life.
The complex mystery that I have disclosed before you is a secret mystery, written in secret books, unavailable at this time in printed books, but written in all holy books in codes, decode it and get prosperity.
By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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