Aliens’ Existence in Space: A Reality

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21. I and you have read many a news on internet about aliens coming to our earth from the space and their arrival on earth is beyond our understanding
Most of the USA’s Presidents while flying in the planes saw UFOs or Flying Saucers or Unidentified Flying objects in the space. Their speed was more than the fastest earthly planes in the space even they chased the UFO but could not catch it.
Nicola Tesla a Russian scientist also claimed to record the signal from the space but he decoded it or not, nobody knew at that time. He just told the peoples that he recorded signals from the space on his device.
It is a trick of Area 51 USA Air Force Military Installation, located at Groom Lake in Southern Nevada. First USA denied any Area 51, but after some years USA accepted its presence in Nevada.
Here are made USA’s secret military equipments dangerous and secret to destroy public and rival countries. Now Area 51 is popular known to all.
In between 1940-1950 UFOs were watched by the American in the space and they named them Alien means stranger, came from the outer space.

Aliens among Us: Fact or Fiction

Most of the peoples do not know what aliens? On the other hand most of the peoples do not believe in aliens’ existence in space while others are skeptical about it.
I wonder at the present Muslims scholars’ and scientists’ knowledge about the aliens’ life in space and have doubts about it. It is against Din and Islam.
Most of the peoples will wonder at my statement but it is a fact that aliens are present in space before man’s creation. What they do? How they live? What they eat? Nobody knows about it what is the fact?
Aliens’ Existence in Space: A Reality
Aliens’ Existence in Space: A Reality

First of all Quran Told about the Aliens in Space

It is a concrete fact that before one thousand and fourteen hundred years ago Quran, the Book of God, told about the aliens in space but I wonder that the Muslim scholars did not study the holy Quran that informed the peoples about the aliens’ life in outer space. All are silent, dumb and blind.
In the holy Quran, Sura No 42; Verse No 29 Sura Name; Ash Shora: God inform the peoples that Allah has spread His creatures on earth and in space. It is the sign for all wise that use their reason and intelligence.

Alien: A Man-Made Name

God did not tell the creatures’ names living in the outer space; peoples gave them the name Aliens is all right because all the names were given by Adam means man to all things.
Alien is a suitable name for the creatures that are living space because alien means a stranger on earth. If we go in foreign countries, among the natives we are aliens in foreign countries as we know it well.

Aliens Land over Earth or Not!

First of all Quran told about the aliens, space creatures, but Quran dies not tell about the aliens’ contact with earthly men in any era even in the era of oldest prophets whom name did not mention in any holy book.
The USAs’ scientists’ claim to contact with aliens is fake and false just to befool the peoples of the whole world. The existence of aliens is real but aliens want to contact with earthly peoples and want to live among men is a rumor.

Present Aliens’ Shape: A Mind Freak

Aliens’ presence in the space is indicated by Quran but Quran does not discuss the face of aliens, just their beings. USA claver scientists made this shape of aliens as thy wanted or want to deceive public all over the world.
Aliens’ shape is the mind freak of USAs’ scientist; neither anyone could see aliens in the past nor will see in future. So for as the contact of aliens with earthly man is just a old woman’s myth for children.
After the World War 11, when the rocket science came into being along with it flying saucers’ or UFOs’ were made popular among the mass by the USAs’ clever scientists.
In 1947 n American business man, Kenneth Arnold was traveling in his plane when he saw a flying saucer flying at the high speed over the Mount Rainier in Washington more than his plane.
In 1948 USA Air Force launched a program named Blue Book to investigate about the UFOs’ flight. They chased them when they saw it but could catch the Flying Saucer in spite of supersonic speed.
The Saucer was in a round shape like round bread, broad and light but very fats in moving in space.
 In 17 years the USAs pilots saw 12000 times the flying Saucers in the space moving and flying very fast.
At the end the Blue Book Project analyzed that the Flying Saucer was a danger to USA’s Air Force. But the Blue Book records reveal the fact that the existence of aliens in space is a reality. None can deny it.
In 1966 a new project was launched to investigate about the Flying Saucers but the Condon record revealed the fact that there is no extraterrestrial life in space.

Why the Flying Saucers Fly over the USA?

According to the project of Blue Book and Condon, all the flying Saucers were watch flying over the USA’s Mount Rainier Washington, after this they declared the Flying Saucers a threat to USA’s Air Force Department.
Except the USA’s scientists none saw the flying Saucers flying in the air. There was no native to see the Flying Saucers flying at the high speed. All were blind. No other country except the USA claimed to have seen the flying Saucers in space.

According to the Holy Quran

As I have quoted the verse of the Holy Quran in God claimed to spread His creatures on and in space. Aliens are not a threat to anyone on earth. USA’s scientist are telling a lie and befooling others.
The person who denies the presence of aliens in space is not wise but fool. But none can know what are their beings and their living style in space?
Angels are the creatures of God who came on earth to talk with prophets, written in all holy books, they did not threat anyone on earth. How aliens can be a threat for us?
Aliens’ presence is the outer space is being hidden by the USA’s scientists, why? Think in lone.
The concept of rocket science and flying saucer was given by Nicola Tesla, a Russian scientist; his future diagrams were stolen after his sudden death in The New York Hotel in USA.
Nicola Tesla died in 1943, and first time the flying saucers were seen in 1947, four years after death with stolen formulas of Nicola Tesla, the drama of flying saucers was made known publically all over the world.
Aliens’ Existence in Space: A Reality
Aliens’ Existence in Space: A Reality

First Nicola Tesla Received the Signals from the Outer Space

First of all among earthly men Nicola Tesla claimed to receive the signals from the outer space on his electronic device at home. He could not decode the signals but if he decoded the signals he did not tell knowingly.
Flying Saucer is the art of Nicola Tesla. He made more than three hundred inventions in the scientific field. After his death his all inventive formulas were stolen by the USA from The New York Hotel.
Nicola Tesla had known some secrets of nature on the ground of it he invented all devices now famous among the public.
Nicola Tesla used to say, if someone wants to know the secret of nature, he must understand the power of 369 in term energy, wave and frequency. All things on earth and in heaven work on this pattern.
To sum up, Life in space is a fact, not a fiction, indicated by God in the Holy Quran. We cannot deny the fact. We have named then aliens, all right.
All creatures created by God useful for man not harmful be aliens or anything else.

What do Aliens in Space?

We must study what type of job the aliens do in space because every creature on earth and in heaven is doing its duty as God assigned them.
Aliens are no threat for human beings; they were created by God for a special purpose. We must what they are doing in space? How they live? What they eat?
We also must study what is their mission in space useful or harmful for men and other creatures.
Aliens did not come to earth, Aliens do not come to earth, Alien will not come to earth in future. There is no indication of Aliens’ coming to earth in the Holy Quran.
First time the holy Quran told the peoples about the aliens’ presence in space but beyond our understanding power. Aliens were seen flying fly saucers over the USA’s Mount Rainier in Washington is a myth to befool the peoples of the whole world.

By JH Sayyar: Professional astrologer

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