Seven Pillars of Life and Being in the Light of Astrology

Table of Contents

19. If we see in the light of reason and wisdom, everything is moving on its axel in the whole universe. God has made two worlds: a physical world and metaphysical world. Both the worlds that we see are not the same as we see with our physical eyes.
If we study men, two worlds are working in men; a physical world and the other is a metaphysical world. The laws working in all four worlds are the same as in metaphysical and physical world.
The first world may be seen but the second world may not be seen. It may be realized by the power of imaginations.
Reason, mind and imagination, all three elements are the parts of human soul, not a separate thing.
Reason flows into the mind and the mind illumines imagination by the blessing of God, but not with the power of self created is a universal fact but a few peoples know this secret.
It is a thinkable question how the four worlds are working and what are its pillars on which its principles are working?
In depth study shows that there seven pillars of the whole universe the same in men and the same in inanimate things. These are called the principles of Life and Being. I will discuss the seven pillars turn by turn in detail.
These pillars will refine and change your views about Life and Being anon. All these are seven secret pillars working properly in physical world and metaphysical world.
Seven Pillars of Life and Being in the Light of Astrology
Seven Pillars of Life and Being in the Light of Astrology
  1. Mentalism

The first principal is of Mentalism that is working in the whole universe in men and in metaphysical world.
In easy words we can say that the universe is mind in reality and man is mental in the real sense. All things that we see in the universe are just a mind illusion and nothing else.
The universe is mind and man is mental. So to change the mind, change the mental, to change the mental, change the mind with the passage of mind. Its results will appear in wonderful way in reality.
For example: costly costumes and dresses are displayed through catwalk among the peoples. Their main job becomes to change the mental condition of man or the buyers.
They produce a change in the mental using Mind. Keep in mind, man is mental and universe is mind.
Big plazas and big towns are made to change the mental they do not say to buy the luxury flats, just they made using the Mind principle, thus mental changes its thinking through imagination thus they get success in their mission.
The first principle is, “Man is mental, and the universe is mind”
  1. Correspondence

The second pillar is Correspondence mean as above, as below and nothing else. The force that is working in the metaphysical world, the same force is working in physical world.
The upper world force is called Life, the lower force is called Being in easy words.
It is a concrete reality that there remains a permanent deep link between the Life and Being in guise of correspondence. Both talk through energy, waves and frequency.
It is the hidden secret of God beyond our understanding how they correspondence, in what language they talk to each other in the universe and in man.
In our body, each cell talks to one another cell how they convey the message to the other is a nature secret. Therefore God has said in all heavenly books that God has put some signs in your body to study how they work.
The second principle is, “As above, as below.”
  1. Vibration

Modern science has revealed this secret that nothing is still all are in motion means everything vibrates on earth, in heaven and in man. I try to understand you with a very easy example so that you could know this principle works in our body.
When we go to the doctor for ECG means Electrocardiogram. The machine records your electrical signals coming from your heart from the above.
The force that moves our heart is called Life; in common words, the soul or the decree of God but science cannot know how human heart gets signals from the above.
At which speed the heart motions the Electrocardiogram records is called the vibration of our heart.
At the end the doctor gives a graph paper on which you see different lines going up and down or equal are called heart waves in simple words.
You see how as above, as below works in men and universe. Human heart gets electric signals from the above and the signals sending force is called God.
God is pure Spirit, the signals comes in guise of pure spirit because spirit welcomes the spirit. Spirit lives in spirit. The spirit that works in human beings is spirit, a wave, beam and a light. It is the property of God, not of man or self created by anyone in heaven or on earth.
The third principle is, “The higher the vibration, the higher the position in the scale.”
Seven Pillars of Life and Being in the Light of Astrology
Seven Pillars of Life and Being in the Light of Astrology
  1. Polarity

Polarity means to be dual. We see in the universe everything is in a pairs, everything has its poles and opposition, physically and mentally, in men and in the universe.
As North and South, East and West, Right and Left, Hate and Love, Black and White, Lie and Truth, Positive and Negative, Cat, Friend and Foe, male and female, Hell and Heaven, Satan and Angel, Heat and Cold, think and write down on a piece of paper.
How they work in men and universe and also in animals. It is a wonderful secret known to me by the research of thousands of years.
As dog is the enemy of cat, light is the enemy of darkness, death is the enemy of life, our negative thoughts are the enemy of our positive thoughts, north is the enemy of South…as you research every negative force is the enemy of a positive force.
But there is enemy of heart, tongue and nose, these three are single not pairs. Our nose is our necessity that is why, it is single, our heart is single, in which God has kept decision power to think and act. Our tongue is single to speak.
Here lies a formula that every single thing becomes superior and rules the pairs in heaven and on earth.
The opposition is the root of nature, work combine to create something new. As we see that we cannot produce light without the negative charge. The same formula works in all things in heavenly things and in all earthly things.
The fourth law is, “Everything works in pairs and everything has its opposite poles.”
  1. Rhythm

As we have known that all thing move permanently but the moving balance is called its rhythm in simple words, as our beat vibrates at the speed of 50 to 100 per minute. It is its fixed rhythm, fixed by God.
Thus every cell rhythm of our body is different than the other cell in our body. When the body parts’ rhythm becomes upset we fall prey to illness. It becomes due to polarity means due to action and reaction.
The fifth law is, “The higher the action, the higher the reaction.”
  1. Cause and effect

The cause and effect law works in our body, in the heaven and on the earth at the same pattern. Everything has its cause and every cause has its effect if we ruminate on things and incidents in daily life.
For example, if we take poison knowingly or unknowingly, the effect on the body will be same, we will die. If the sun appears, the darkness will disappear anon.
In our body and in the universe, all happen according to the laws of nature working properly but cannot be seen, not at all with our physical eyes.
The sixth law is, “Everything has its cause and effect.”
  1. Gender

As we all see that gender works in all things: male and female, masculine and feminine. In all earthly things gender works without it life n earth is impossible.
In man’s life two genders work, a spiritual gender and physical. The third is mental. All three genders work in life. Without the gender no creation is possible on earth at the mental level, at the spiritual level and at the physical level.
In order to create something a gender is needed without it the creation is impossible.
I expose before my respected readers the seven pillars of the universe and man is also a part of the universe. If someone thinks over the seven pillars of the universe, he will find secret of mind, spirit and universe how they work, talk and collaborate in our body, in heaven and on earth.
I think that the readers will find my article useful for the future planning and to achieve the goal in life. Modern science and old science both follow these pillars in practical life.
By JH Sayyar: Professional Astrologer

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